Καινοτομία, Έρευνα & Τεχνολογία, τ. 29 - page 39

Κωδικός Τίτλος/Περιγραφή
CaP: The New Coaxial Connector entirely
made of plastic material
Radio-based home communication system
A smal Italian company developed a special plastic connector (CaP) to join a coaxial cable to any Ffemaleconnector.
The connection is better than one made with themain standard Fmetallic male connectors because, by using CaP there is no
metallic interface between the cable and the female connector and therefore an optimal matching between the two parts of the
connection is achieved. The company is looking for commercial partners or other companies interested in a license agreement.
A Swedish company hasdeveloped a homeautomationsystem with Web and WAP (Wireless Application Protocol) access
to the home. The company is looking for a jointventure agreement with a mobile operator and in the future for industrial partners
interested in further development and new applications.
Trailer Alert: unauthorised entry alarm
system for Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGVs).
Privacy friendly system for measuring of and
payment for road usage by vehicles (RUC)
An Italian technical centre has developed a complete line of motorvehicle alarms with 12 different models of low, medium
and high priced products and accessories such as electronic modules for the protection of the interior, auxiliary sirens,
automatic window openers and so on. It is looking for manufacturing companies interested in acquiring all of the know-how, two
European patents and an international trade name.
A UK SME in the security sector has developed a TRAILER ALERT system offers HGV operators protectionagainst unauthorised
entry into their trailers. Detectors in the trailer send an alarm signal by radio to a pocket sized alarm unit kept with the driver at all
times. Originally designed for curtain sided trailers but equally suitable for box trailers or lorries. Partners from the industrial
security sector are being sought for licence or manufacturing agreements.
A small Dutch company has developed a privacy friendly system for measuring of and payment for road usage by vehicles
(RUC = Road Usage ChargingfThe system in the pre-design phase uses coded road marks, a vehicle unit with sensor to read
the road type codes, payment functions and backoffice provisions. Under certain conditions the company is prepared to offer the
whole (pre-) design (patent pending) for further development, manufacturing and marketing by other parties
Fixture for drink-bottle crates.
An SME in West Sweden has developed a new drink-bottle crate fixture. The product is designed to keep the crates together
during transportation and prevent displacements. The product is made of environmentally friendly plastic. The product islighter
and cheaper than the closest equivalents. The SMEwishes co-operation concerning adaptation and marketing.
A UK SME in the security sector has a Caravan Alarm and Light Controller enables remote switching of the awning/interior
lights as well as controlling the alarm system. The alarm system provides comprehensive protection of the caravan scontents,
the parked caravan, the coupled caravan & tow vehicle. The light controller enables remote switching of the awning/interior
lights. Partners from the security sector are being sought for licence, manufacturing or commercial agreements.
Caravan Alarm & Light Controller
Filter for the removal of particles
from exhaust gas of mobile and stationary
Diesel engines using heavy oil as a fuel
Recycling refrigerators and e-scrap
A German company has developed and successfully tested an innovative filter consisting of a special electrostatic precipitator. DE
In the first stage (ioniser) particles are electrically loaded and then are removed in a sequent collector. The particles are removed
from the collector plates with pressurised air or steam and collected in filter bags. Collected soot can be deposited or burnt.
The filter is tested in ship engines. Cooperation is sought for stationary applications.
Waste Management
A German recycling centre for all kind of refrigerators and e-scrap from private households, trade, industry, etc. offers their
efficient recycling technology for CFC, FC and Penlane/Butane-operated refrigerators with a proportion of harmful substances.
The developed technique is based on 5 patents for decisive steps in this developing process and is very effective. They are
looking for information exchange, technology transfer, exploration of new market opportunities or a marketing agreement.
An Italian technical centre has developed an innovative system for the differential collection and treatment of urban garbage.
This system is ready to be put into production. This technical centre is looking for companies specialised in dustbin manufacture,
interested in acquiring all the know-how; they will be able to request an international patent.
New Patented System for Biological
Wastewater Treatment
Bio-DZL: Low-cost environmentally
friendly process for the conversion of vegetable
oil to bio-fuel suitable for any diesel engine
without conversion
New technological approach to the
treatment of hospital contaminated solid waste
A Portuguese company specialised in wastewater treatment (WWT) systems, regarding project design,conception and
implementation, has developed and patented a system for biological wastewater treatment. The company's main activity is
related to the development of standardised or customised WWT plants.The patented system can be applied for small and
decentralised units, as well as for existing centralised units. The system can be applied for the upgrade of existing WWT plants.
A Cyprus SME specialising in waste management and renewable energy has developed a low-cost, reliable and cost-effective CY
esterification process for the conversion of waste or/and freshvegetable oils and fat, to an alternative green fuel known as
bio-diesel suitable to run diesel engines without any modifications or adjustments. The Cyprus company is now offering its
know-how and new plant to potential partners interested, preferably, in a joint venture in their own country.
A consortium of Portuguese SMEs and research centres has developed a new technology for the treatment of hospital
contaminated solid waste. Due to itssmall dimensions, ease of operation, cost-effectiveness, high efficiency in terms of
decontamination process and environmentally friendly technology, it is a promising alternative to all thermal processes typically
used, especially because it treats all those residues close to thelocal of production, transforming them into common urban waste.
Electronic tracking Sun Reflector System
to divert sunlight onto North facing walls
or shaded areas.
Security Letterbox
A small UK firm has developed a sun reflector system that can be positioned to reflect sunlight onto north facing rooms or shaded UK
areas. A sensor system is arranged so that sunlight is continuously iargeted on the same area. The concept is now available for
direct sale with technical back up and will be ideal for an organisation looking for a new product who have an electronics and
small mechanical mechanisms background. Some final development will be required to bring the system to market
A UK SME has developed and patented a Security Letterbox (or internal fixing to a mail opening of any door (wall). However,
for the first time on the market it provides free access to a mail delivery person but also offers protection against attempts to
introduce liquid (or gas) in to the property The SME is looking for a joint venture or licence agreement with a distributor/manufacturer
or distributor company that is established in door furniture and/or fire and security market.
Printed Quality Improvement
Software and Know-How
Localisation of interactive software for
non-English speaking markets
A French SME specialised in printing process engineering has developed a software process for decomposing an image in
non-standard tints contrary to traditional quadrichromy. This technique ensures a strong quality increase as well as the homogeneity
of printing results. This process is intended for the manufacturers who print images with aesthetic or technical constraints bound to
the support and ink, mis process can be applied to any type of printing process and on any support.
A Scottish company has developed interactive educational software specialising in the area of social learning, focusing on
attitudes and values, relationships, behaviour, actions and consequences and personal responsibility. Topics including drug taking,
behaviour in family settings and issues arising at school, work and among friends. The company is seeking partnerships with
educational software developers and distributors to adapt the products in the area of culture, language and voice clips.
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