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Joseph Sifakis, the Greek researcher that was honoured with
the most important international award in the field of
Information Technologies, the A.M. Turing Award, gave an
interview to our magazine, talking about his research
projects and the evolution of technology in everyday life:
the emerging benefits and risks, the contribution of
Information Technology to current issues, such as ecology
and energy saving, the future appl icat ions of
nanotechnology and embedded systems. J. Sifakis refers to
the research and technology in Greece and gives his
suggestions on how to make the most of the country’s
strong points, such as its excellent research potential.
Interviewwith Joseph Sifakis,
CNRS Research Director, A.M.
Turing Award 2007
The Nat ional Hel lenic Research Foundat ion (NHRF)
celebrated fifty years of innovative contr ibution to
scientific knowledge at an anniversary exhibition which
took place in Athens on 19 March, attended by the
President of the Hellenic Republic, Karolos Papoulias, and
Prime Minister Costas Karamanlis.
NHRF is a multidisciplinary organization, aiming to develop
essential research and to promote knowledge in the Natural
Sciences and Humanities. It is overseen by the General
Secretariat of Research and Technology (GSRT), which is
part of the Ministry of Development, and is governed by the
Board of Directors under the Chairman of the Board.
NHRF is composed of the National Documentation Centre
(EKT) and six Research Inst i tutes: the Inst i tute for
Byzantine Research (IBR), the Institute for Neohellenic
Research (INR), the Institute for Greek and Roman Antiquity
(KERA) , the Inst i tute for Biological Research and
Biotechnology (IBRB), the Theoretical & Physical Chemistry
Inst i tute (TPCI ) , and the Inst i tute of Organic &
Pharmaceutical Chemistry (IOPC).
The Institutes cover a wide range of research in Humanities
and Natural Sciences, including the development of
scientific knowledge for the benefit of society and the
economy. They also enjoy international recognition. EKT is
the national institution for documentation, information and
support on scientific, research and technological issues.
EKT collects digital content, organises it and makes it
avai lable us ing the most up- to-date technology
infrastructures in the country. At the same time, it offers
information and support services for research programmes,
and operates as a link between research and industry.
National Hellenic Research
Foundation: 50 years of
advanced research
An advanced system dedicated to providing free real-time
information to the public about shipmovements and ports has
been developed by the Department of Product and Systems
Design Engineering, University of the Aegean, Greece. The
system provides a large amount of data for ports and other
definable areas - data such as geographic information, vessels’
current positions and/or tracks that are displayed on a map,
vessels’ details, port conditions, statistics, etc.
Advanced system for
recording marine traffic
The first meeting of the new Operational Programme
"Competitiveness and Entrepreneurship" of the Ministry for
Development took place in March. The Programme covers the
period 2007-2013 with 3 main strategic objectives: to
accelerate the transition to the knowledge economy; to
develop sustainable and extrovert entrepreneurship and
provide appropriate natural, institutional and organizational
preconditions; to enhance the attractiveness of Greece as a
place for entrepreneurship with respect to the environment
and its sustainability.
New Operational Programme
for Competitiveness and
European Science Awards
Marine Traffic
Operational Programme "Competitiveness and
Entrepreneurship" 2007-2013
Personal webpage of Joseph Sifakis
A.M. Turing Award 2007
Three European Science Awards – the Descartes Prize for
Transnational Collaborative Research, the Descartes Prize for
Science Communication and the Marie Curie Excellence
Awards - were awarded at a single ceremony, for the first time,
by Janez Potocnik, European Commissioner for Science and
Research. The awards are the most prestigious
acknowledgement for the scientific achievements of
European researchers and for activities that make science
more attractive to the wider public. The winners were selected
by three separate Grand Juries, one for each category,
composed of leading figures from European and international
science. They share prizemoney of almost
Our magazine hosts interviews of some of the winners: Luisa
Corrado that received an award for her study on wealth and
wellbeing; Heinrich Miller for the EPICA project that has
vastly extended our understanding of the Earth's climate
over the last 800,000 years; Peter Leonard for his
documentary “Most of the Universe is Missing”.
European Science Awards
National Hellenic Research Foundation
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