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05 - 06 / 08
Top Young Scientists and
Inventors 2008
Young Greek scientists and top European
inventors recent l y came under the
spotlight, thanks to the Scientific Awards
by the Bodossaki Foundation and the
European Inventor of the Year 2008 event
that was organized by the European
Patent Office. Both of these institutions
focus on excellence and innovation - two
of the main strategic priorities at national
and European level , and two bas i c
premises for economic development and
social prosperity.
The five young researchers that received
the Bodossaki Foundat ion Sc ient i f i c
Awards come from a variety of academic
f ields: economi cs, mathemat i cs,
biomedi cal sc iences, biomedi cal
applications of ICT and targeted drug
development . G.M. Aggeletos, M.
Dafermos, G. Kontopidis, N. Paragyios and
E. Tzavara talked about the innovative
aspects of their work, discussed the future
developments in their respective fields and
offered suggestions for the improvement
of academic research in Greece.
The European Inventor of the Year prizes
were awarded to innovative and socially
beneficial inventions: drugs that drastically
improved the quality of life of millions of
HIV pat ients, a new laser scanning
technology for the eye which al lows
powerful but pain-free examination of the
ret ina, a surgi cal robot for complex
procedures, and a technology that
enhances road safety by making car
frames lighter and safer through the use
of aluminium.
Dr Erik De Clercq of the University of
Leuven, who recei ved the L i fet ime
Achievement Award for his landmark
contr ibut ions to ant ivi ral treatment,
including the development of the drug
cocktai l for AIDS, gave an interview
regarding his work as a researcher and as
a World Health Organization Expert. He
al so talked about recent and future
advances in antiviral treatment and gave
his expert opinion on global viral threats
and the preventive measures that should
be taken.
"Prometheus Pyrforos":
The first green building in
"Prometheus Pyrforos" (Prometheus the
Fire-bearer) is the first self-sufficient
building in Greece in terms of energy. The
five-storey bui lding, located in Paleo
Fal iro, Athens, was bui lt as part of a
research project by the General
Secretariat of Research and Technology.
Academic institutions, research centres
and a private company participated in the
project that resulted in one of the few
self-sufficient buildings in Europe.
The building utilizes solar and geothermic
energy in order to cover its needs for
heating, cool ing and hot water. The
fol lowing technologies have been
developed and integrated in this building:
- Passive energy design (special thermal
insulation, orientation, triple-glazed
panel s of low emi ttance and high
reflectance, thermal break aluminium
f rames, spec ial low-consumpt ion
- Hot water generation by high-efficiency
flat-plate solar collectors for heating
and cooling
- Seasonal thermal storage in reinforced
concrete tanks
- Solar cooling (absorption technology)
- Solar-assisted desiccant cooling
- Borehole heating / cooling - geothermal
heat pumps
- In-wall and in-floor heating and cooling
- Pre-heat ing / cool ing of f resh ai r
through double element central air-
conditioning units
- Photovoltaic panels
- Centralized automation system with
advanced control programming for
optimal energy management.
A return of the cost of the investment is
expected in less than 10 years.
Bodossaki Foundation
European Patent Office
European Inventor of the Year 2008
µyzantine Symmeikta
Prometheus Pyrforos
"Byzantina Symmeikta": A
new, international, open
access journal
"Byzantina Symmeikta" is an open access
e-journal on Byzantine studies, jointly
published by the National Documentation
Centre (EKT) and the Inst i tute for
Byzantine Research (IBR) of the National
Hellenic Research Foundation. It is the
first international, open access e-journal
on this subject, available through the
website, but also in
print form at the end of each year.
The journal, first published in 1966 by the
IBR, has expanded its scope and opened
up to the internat ional scholar l y
community engaged in Byzantine Studies.
It now publishes articles and book reviews
in Greek, English, French, German and
Italian, allowing the authors to retain the
copyright for their articles, granting first
publication rights to the journal.
The open access peer-reviewed journal
"Byzant ina Symmeikta" BYZANTINA
SYMMEIKTA is published as part of the
project "National Information System for
Research and Technology, Phase III – Open
Access Electroni c Repos i tor ies and
Journals" which is being developed by the
National Documentation Centre within
the f ramework of "Digi tal Greece"
( and is 80% co-
f inanced by the European Union -
European Regional Development Fund
and 20% by the Greek Public Domain
(Operational Program for IS - OPIS, 3rd
CSF 2000-2006).
The National Documentation Centre’s
actions for open access (
aim to enhance the national research
infrastructure and to create an alternative
for the col lect ion, organi sat ion and
provision of science and technology