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European Research on
Socio-economic Sciences
and Humanities
NHRF coordinates a new
European project in
environmental health sector
New funding schemes for
research in Greek companies
A new ambitious research project in the
sector of environmental health is currently
being coordinated by the Institute of
Biological Research & Biotechnology of
the National Hellenic Research Foundation.
11 European research teams from 6 different
countries participate in the project that
aims to develop and apply a new generation
of biomarker s to s tudy the rol e of
environmental agents in human diseases.
EnviroGenomarkers (Genomics Biomarkers
of Environmental Health) project, funded
under the 7th Framework Programme,
concerns the large-scale application of
omics technologies in a population study
aiming at: a) the discovery and validation
of novel biomarkers predictive of increased
risks of chronic diseases in which the
environment may play an important role
(breast cancer, Non Hodgkin’s lymphoma,
chi ldhood diseases including al lergy,
neurological and immune diseases, thyroid
disruption), b) the exploration of the
association of such risk biomarkers with
exposure to a number of high-priority or
emerging environmental pollutants with
carcinogenic, immunotoxic or hormone-
line properties, including polychlorinated
biphenyls (PBCs), polycyclic aromatic
hydrocarbons (PAHs), cadmium, lead,
phthalates, brominated flame retardants,
ambient air pollutants and water treatment
byproducts), and c) the discovery and
validation of biomarkers of exposure to
the above environmental pol lutants.
The European Commission has recently
announced the "Socio-economic Sciences
and Humanities Indicative Strategic Research
Roadmap", covering the period 2011-2013,
enabling better and more comprehensive
planning and coordination for both the
research community and European policy-
makers. Current social challenges have
been identified and addressed. These include
the economic crisis, unemployment, delin-
quency and crime, the role of the euro as
a common and stabilizing currency, pover-
ty and social exclusion, linguistic diversity,
climate change, and the role of Europe in
the world.
The main instrument for research on the
above fields is the 7th Framework Programme
for Research, under the theme "Socio-eco-
nomic Sciences and Humanities" (Specific
Programme "Cooperation"). The National
Documentation Centre supports this pro-
gramme as Greece’s National Contact Point.
The participation of Greek researchers in
European social research is encouraging:
in 2007 Greek organizations participated
in 21.8% of the total submitted propos-
als, and in 2008, in 18.6% of the propos-
als. Three projects (GeMIC, AEGIS, PLA-
TON+) coordinated by Greek research teams
are being presented in the current issue.
The new calls have been announced, with
a budget of 104,6 M euros (including joint
calls), with deadlines from December 2009
to February 2010.
New funding opportunities for integrating
research and technology with Greek
companies have been announced under
the Greek National Strategic Reference
Framework: the programme "Cooperation"
supports joint ventures between companies
and research organizations. There are also
2 diverse actions to fund research activities
in Groups of Small and Medium Enterprises
and New Companies, as well as a programme
for the development and support of new
knowledge-intensive companies.
Forth Photonics: a high -
technology Greek company
in the medical sector
Forth Photonics is a Greek medical device
company that has al ready attracted
significant international investors. It designs,
develops, manufactures and markets
imaging systems focusing on the non-
invasive, in-vivo detection of cancerous
and pre-cancerous lesions. Forth Photonics
was established in 2002 as a spin-off by
the Foundation for Research & Technology-
Hellas, Professor Konstantinos Balas, and
the venture capital company NBGI Ventures.
Forth Photonics has developed a proprietary
technology platform that has the potential
to address a number of diseases affecting
millions of people worldwide. The first
product being introduced to the market
is DySIS, which focuses on assisting the
non-invasive in-vivo detection and diagnosis
of cancerous and pre-cancerous lesions
of the cervix. DySIS provides advanced
tools to aid medical practitioners in detecting,
grading, and documenting cervical neoplasia.
Another application is MuSIS – a spectral
camera that combines high-definition
imaging with high-resolution spectroscopy
in a user-friendly, portable work station.
Spectral Imaging has a plethora of applications
in remote sensing and non-destructive
analysis, ranging from space to the scientific
imaging and analysis of cells.
Professor Kontantinos Balas, in his interview
wi th our magazine, talks about the
technology and the future plans of the
Greek research team.
05-06 / 2009
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DySIS System