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ερευνα & τεχνολογια | 09-11/2012
A tribute to the "National Information System for Re-
search and Technology": Open content in science and
The current issue is devoted to the "National Information System for Re-
search and Technology (NISRT)", a national research e-Infrastructure
which provides access to rich resources of scientific content and a range of
services to the country’s scientific, educational and research community.
NISRT is the core developmental action undertaken by the National Docu-
mentation Centre of Greece (EKT).
In an extensive tribute, we present the project's current priorities, its long
history and developmental process since 1996, the basic principles in which
the project's implementation lays (such as open access to knowledge and
Green IT technologies) the services developed and the strategic partner-
ships made. The focus is on the project's website which provides access to
millions of webpages with precious and reliable digital content in science,
education and culture. In NISRT, advanced information systems and tools
serve a main task: to aggregate, store, document, preserve digital content
and distribute it openly to the public in a way that allows its reuse and pro-
motes research and innovation.
Following international standards of performance, NISRT develops digital
repositories, e-journals, digital libraries, undertakes a number of activities
(e.g. EKT e-publishing services, studies on science metrics, intelligent re-
ports, Current Research Information Systems) and plans its next steps in a
way that promote innovation in the world of research, culture and education.
Foods high in acrylamide during pregnancy is associated
with lower birth weight a new study reveals
Mothers with high dietary intake of acrylamide during pregnancy have low-
er birth weight babies reveals a groundbreaking international study which
was conducted in the context of NewGeneris EU project and led by the Cen-
tre for Research in Environmental Epidemiology (CREAL) from Barcelona
(Spain) and Stockholm University (Sweden). Researchers of National Hel-
lenic Research Foundation (NHRF) and the University of Crete participated
in the study.
Acrylamide is found in commonly consumed foods such as fried potatoes,
potato crisps, biscuits, breakfast cereals and coffee. The study examined
the diet of 1,100 pregnant women and newborns to find that intake of foods
high in acrylamide during pregnancy is associated with lower birth weight
and smaller head circumference. The difference between mothers exposed
to high levels of acrylamide and those exposed to low levels may be up
to 132 grams in the baby’s weight and 0.33 centimeters in the size of the
baby's head. The study was recently published in the journal Environmental
Health Perspectives.
We Mean Business
"We Mean Business":
A national Info Day co-
organized by EKT
The "We Mean Business"
National Info Day in Greece
was organized by the State
Scholarships Foundation,
The Greek People Manage-
ment Association, and the
Centre of Greece. Held in the
National Hellenic Research
Foundation, the event cele-
brated the Leonardo da Vin-
ci and Erasmus placement
programme through talks,
open dialogue and testimo-
nials. The National Docu-
mentation Centre of Greece
(EKT) was a co-organizer
of the event which brought
from the Greek businesses,
chamber of commerce, edu-
cation sector, Non-Govern-
mental Organizations and
Sector Organizations. EKT
is also member of the Enter-
prise Europe Network-Hel-
las, the largest network of
integrated business support
in Greece which comprises
12 industrial associations,
research and technology
of commerce and industry,
governmental SME Agen-
cies and established Inno-
vation players at European
The idea behind this initia-
tive was to bring closer
people from business and
the education sector, boost
awareness and inform busi-
nesses about the benefits
of hosting a trainee who
bring fresh ideas and com-
petences to a company.
Participants discussed the
benefits of hosting trainees,
companies and institutions,
presented best practices
and explained the advan-
tages of participating in the
programmes. Lively discus-
sions continued throughout
the networking lunch.
An International
Award for the
Acropolis Museum
and FORTH (Founda-
tion for Research and
Technology-Hel las)
were awarded the 2012
IIC Keck Award (by the
International Institute
for Conservation of His-
toric and Artistic Works
-IIC) for their common
project regarding "La-
ser rejuvenation of
Caryatids opens to the
public at the Acropo-
lis Museum: A link be-
tween ancient and mod-
ern Greece".
This award highlights
the collaborative ef-
fort of the Acropolis
Museum and FORTH to
preserve and to rejuve-
nate the unique cultural
Heritage of Greece
while demonstrating to
the public how culture
and technology can be
combined in a symbolic
union between ancient
and modern Greece.
The surface cleaning of
the ancient masterpiec-
es is achieved bymeans
of a custommade, inno-
vative laser system de-
veloped by the Institute
of Electronic Structure
and Lasers (IESL) of the
FORTH in Heraklion,
Crete. This application
has been the outcome
of a long standing col-
laborative effort be-
tween IESL-FORTH, the
Acropolis Restoration
Service (YSMA), the 1st
Ephorate of Prehistoric
and Classical Antiqui-
ties in Athens and the
Acropolis Museum.
Acropolis Museum
The Keck Awards
Read the study
Project NewGeneris