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ΕΡΕΥΝΑ & ΤΕΧΝΟΛΟΓΙΑ | 12/2012 - 02/2013
Research at the Institute of Molecular Biology
and Biotechnology (IMBB) of the Foundation
for Research and Technology-Hellas (FORTH),
published today -in the international scien-
tific journal Nature- reveals a novel molecular
mechanism that strongly and generally de-
fends against necrotic cell death triggered
by extreme temperature and multiple other
The novel findings reportedby a teamof Greek
researchers reveal new players in the process
of necrotic cell death and highlight the protec-
tive effect of an endogenous stress response
pathway with the capacity to defend against
heat cytotoxicity and multiple other necrotic
insults. Such information could be effectively
utilized towards identifying candidate com-
mon intervention targets, in an effort to battle
the contemporary and increasingly prevalent
heat stroke hazard, as well as other pathologi-
cal conditions involving necrosis in humans.
A new portal offers open access to
thousands of scientific ePublica-
tions, eBooks and eProceedings
EKT ePublishing is a new portal released
by the National Documentation Centre of
Greece (EKT). The site hosts the Centre's
ePublications, offers open access to schol-
arly eJournals, eBooks and eProceedings, as
well as a range of integrated publishing ser-
vices to the country's academic community.
Adhering to the principles of Open Access
to scientific information -a major revolution
that challenges traditional publishing struc-
tures-, EKT ePublishing services enable the
transition of prestigious scientific journals
into a digital mode of operation.
They include, most significantly, the orga-
nization, documentation and organized
dissemination of metadata and content of
scholarly journals, training and consulting
services on issues such as intellectual prop-
erty, the standardization of editorial pro-
cesses according to internationally accepted
standards, the inclusion of content and
metadata in international content indexers
and harvesters via interoperable systems. E-
publishing services are addressed to public
institutions, editing bodies, and publishers
of accredited scholarly journals as well as to
the wider public.
As the result, the digital environment of
ePublishing today hosts 10 peer-reviewed
academic eJournals (more than 1,930 ar-
ticles) developed by EKT and plenty of
eBooks and eProceedings. More than a dy-
namic portal with significant value for the
academic and education community, EKT
ePublishing embodies a business process
which reinforces EKT's vision to contribute
to the process of transition to new models
of e-science and scholarly communication.
EKT ePublishing
The National Documentation Centre (EKT)
has recently published the report "Scientific
Excellence in the EU Convergence Regions,
2007-2012: the case of Greece", which sum-
marizes the results of the "Research Potential
(REGPOT)" programme (7th Framework Pro-
gramme, Specific Programme Capacities) for
the period 2007-2012. The report falls under
EKT’s new series of Intelligence Reports that
present metrics and data produced from its
services as National Contact Point for FP7.
REGPOT is a programme that reinforces ex-
cellent research groups in the convergence/
outermost regions of Europe by investing in
human capital, infrastructure and network-
ing with more advanced organizations in
Europe. The aim is to unlock and fully utilize
the potential in these regions, as well as to
contribute to regional development through
technology and innovation.
The programme has been very competitive:
1,879 proposals have been submitted in 6
main calls (REGPOT-1), out of which 128 have
been funded by the end of 2012. Greek re-
searchers have been very successful, with 34
funded project and absorption of 56 million
euro (22.86% of the total budget of REGPOT-1
National InformationSystemforResearch
Based on the model "Software as a Service"
(SaaS) and Cloud computing technologies,
new services developed by EKT aim at the
organization, documentation, management,
protection and distribution of cultural and
scientific digital assets. They are addressed
to a broad range of prestigious cultural and
scientific institutions that traditionally pro-
duce and manage cultural or research data,
such as museums, libraries, archives etc. SaaS
services (such as repository services, OpenA-
BEKT, Open Bibliographic Data, Interoperabil-
ity Validation, Data Protection, Unified search,
complementary services) regard the entire
lifecycle of the digital content: safe storage,
metadata development and mapping, orga-
nization, management, delivery, use and re-
Such an initiative aims at enhancing the col-
laboration among prestigious Greek cultural
institutions, and at developing a sustainable
ecosystem for the management and delivery
of trustworthy digital content. In this context,
EKT sets a national best practice in the field
of cultural data, with significant international
Scientific Excellence in EU Convergence Regions (2007-2012):
the case of Greece
SaaS Services provided by EKT:
New Services for the country's cultural and education community
SaaS Services
Greek researchers uncover a universal and potent protective mechanism
against neuronal necrosis.