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ΕΡΕΥΝΑ & ΤΕΧΝΟΛΟΓΙΑ | 06- 08/2013
The latest publication made by EKT is a study entitled “Research Clus-
ters for Regional Growth, 2007-2013: the Greek participation”. The study
presents the results of the “Regions of Knowledge” programme of FP7.
The purpose of this programme is to support European regions through
research-driven-clusters that enable scientific organisations, businesses
and local authorities originating from the same geographical region to
connect and collaborate. Throughout Europe a total of 69 projects were
funded within the program, with the participation of 851 organizations
(number of participants, not individual organisations), absorbing 114.88
million euros. In addition, Greek organizationswere involved in 8 projects
(27 participants, 20 unique organizations) with EU funding amounting to
2.54million euros.
EKT conducted and published this study in the context of its institutional
role for the collection, organization and distribution of scientific informa-
tion and content and the visualization with indicators of Greek scientific
and research activity. The study is embedded in the series of publications
(Intelligence Reports) with reliable data and indicators derived from its
actions as the National Contact Point for FP7.
EKT’s ePublishing interface is now accessible in English as well in order
to reach a larger, more diverse and globally distributed audience. It was
developed with an aim to provide open access to scholarly eJournals,
eBooks and eProceedings, as well as a range of integrated publishing
services to the country's academic community.
Currently EKT ePublishing hosts more than 10 peer-reviewed academic
eJournals (thousands of open access articles) in various categories and
plenty of eBooks and eProceedings. The integrated ePublishing envi-
ronment has been developed with open source interoperable technol-
ogy. The platform also hosts publications of accredited publishers from
Greece. EKT’s ePublishing services include the organization, documen-
tation and organized dissemination of metadata and content of schol-
arly journals, training and consulting services, and they are addressed
to public institutions, and publishers of accredited scholarly journals as
well as to the wider public.
EKT ePublishing
“Opening up Education” is an initiative by the European Commission with
the main goal to boost innovation and digital skills in schools and uni-
versities. Even though digital technologies are integrated in students’ and
teachers’ everyday lives, the same does not apply in educational environ-
ments. Therefore, the European Commission sets out a European agenda
for stimulating high-quality, innovative ways of learning and teaching
through new technologies and digital content.
Opening up Education focuses on three main areas. Firstly, it aims to cre-
ate opportunities for organisations, teachers and learners to innovate.
Secondly, through the increasing use of Open Educational Resources
(OER) it attempts to ensure that educational materials produced with
public funding are available to all. Thirdly, Opening up Education aspires
to develop better ICT infrastructure and connectivity in schools.
In addition, the EC recently launched “Open Education Europa” as part of
the Opening Up Education initiative in order to provide a single gateway
to European OER. This portal offers access to all existing European OER in
different languages, as well to open courses and MOOCs (Massive Open
Online Courses) to learners, teachers and researchers. It also serves as a
meeting point for the educational communities and as a starting point
for networking and collaborations between different educational par-
ties. Open Education Europa is a dynamic platform built with the latest
cutting-edge open-source technology, offering tools for communicating,
sharing and discussing.
"Opening up Education" in Europe
New EKT edition for Research Clusters &
Regional Growth
Centre (EKT) in accordance with
its actions towards open access
and developing repositories has
recently launched two new digital
repositories. The new digital Free /
Open Source Software Repository
(FOSS) is an infrastructure of digital
content. It contributes to the col-
lection, organisation, management
and online dissemination of open
content, while at the same time it
facilitates the long-term storage
and preservation of this content.
The content is produced through
activities related to Free Software,
Open Hardware and Open Con-
tent by the Greek FOSS Society,
its members, user communities
and individual creators. FOSS’s rich
content includes reports, presen-
tations, digital collections, confer-
ence proceedings, studies, videos
and photos.
Furthermore, the historical archive
of the Aegean “Ergani” illustrates
200 years of local history, culture
and entrepreneurialism and is now
available and open. Developed in
collaboration with the Historical
Archive of the Aegean, the reposi-
tory collects, preserves and show-
cases archival material that illus-
trates life in the last two centuries
in the north-eastern Aegean.
The archive highlights the daily
life and the development of the
olive oil industry on the island of
Lesvos during those years of socio-
economic and political change. Its
rich archival collections include
rare documents, photographs,
amateur films from the 1930s, dia-
ries, personal and business corre-
spondence, ads, industrial designs,
drawings and scientific reports.
Historians, researchers, students,
visitors and residents of the NE
Aegean and those interested in his-
torical and ethnographic content
can access the documented archi-
val records.
EKT launches two new digital repositories:
the Free / Open Source Software Repository
and the historical archive of the Aegean
HistoricalArchiveof theAegean“Ergani”
EKT ePublishing is now available in English
“Research Clusters for Regional Growth, 2007-2013: the Greek
EKT metrics