Καινοτομία, Έρευνα & Τεχνολογία, τ. 37 - page 24

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\ Τίτλος/Περιγραφη^Περίληψ η
Fisheries, Resources of the Sea
A French company has developed new fishing equipment for vessels. It consist of a long-line (or palangre) strungout for miles in the sea and strung
with inummerable hooks. The automatic system allows high fishing efficiency and quality. The equipment can be installed in vessels without
modification and can complet existing fishing equipment on the boats. The company is looking for licence agreement, echnical cooperation and
commercial agreeement with technical assistance.
Automatic loosing
of fishing long-lines or palangres
Biological systemforthe combined
treatment ofwastewaters and off-gases
fromfood industries
Anti-Fire protectionboxfor
hydrocarbons tanks floodgates
Cement,flameresistant, thermal
and phonic insulating,made
of rubberparticles
A Dutch company offers a novel system that uses a carrier on which biomas can grow. The wastewaters and off-gases are fed counter- or co-current
through the reactor, resulting in biological breakdown of pollutants and odour compounds. The system has been supplied to poultry and fish
processing plants. The company is looking for a license contract with an environmental contractor that has experience in industrial wastewater
treatment and/oroff-gas handling.
Industrial manufacture, Industry, Materials technology
A French inventor is selling a patent concerning an anti-fire protection box (security box) for sensitive devices that are located in risk areas
(hydrocarbons tanks floodgates, motorization, electrical cables, instrumentation sensors). Companies that are dealing with petrol, petrol depot,
chemistry or petrochemistry may be interested in this innovation.
Two French inventors have developed acement made of rubber particles that is capable of being formed into screedcompositions, building blocks, and
various constructionelements such as partition walls, and the like. Several type of collaboration can beconsidered: license agreement or technical co­
operation.The inventors are looking for manufacturers and distributorsof finished construction materials.
FARLAP: lightened hollow-core slabfor
TERMACOL:new lightenedself-bearing
insulation for building
Oxygen Energizer θNewtechnology
for binding pureoxygen inwater
Liquid LeakDetector/Flow
Laserwelding procesfor aluminium,
steel and super-alloys
A Spanish company, specialised in pre-cast concret components for civil, commercial or industrial buildings, has designed the lightest hollow-core
slab in the market. These slabs, filled with polystyrene blocks, provide better thermal insulation, are fully self-supporting, allowing fast assembly of
concrete floors, without the time and cost consuming labour of placing formwork and props. The company is interested in license or commercial
agreements with technical assistance.
A Spanish company has developed the Pre-stressed TERMACOL Slab. This new self-bearing slab, the lightest in the world, made with pre-stressed
concreteand expanded polystyrene (EPS),with great thermal insulation due to the lack of thermal bridging, isan economical lternative to other kind
of slabs. It can be used in the building of slab floors in civil, commercial nd industrial buildings. The company is interested in establishing licenseor
commercial agreements with technical support.
An Austrian SME has developed atechnology for water-oxygenation with long lasting saturation effects in water molecules up to 50-60 mg per litre.
Advantages over conventional technologies include the high oxygen-rate controlled by physical parameters (pipe-, gas pressure and water flow
velocity) using conventional oxygen sources without additional energy supply.They are seeking partnerships for licencing,commercial greement with
technical advice and joint development.
A UK SME has developed a liquid leak detector / flow detector. Liquids passing through initiate a circuit parameter change, which may be used to UK
activate an alarm system, shut-down system etc. It can be used to detect leaks in avast arrange of applications, whether flat, or shaped, horizintal or
vertical. Alternatively it can beadapted to indicate when flow has ceased. Its main advantage being that it remains dry & hence does not retrigger any
alarm. A licensing agreement is sought.
Consultancy, Design& Engineering
A small Dutch independent engineering and consultancy firm specialises in fluid dynamics for industrial applications and provides clients with
in Fluid Dynamics
fundamental knowledge of fluid dynamics. Implementation of this newly found knowledge wil lead to improved and more efficient industrial
applications. The company is interested in commercial greements with technical assistance with industrial partners.
A Swis research group has developed a welding procesfor crack sensitive alloys without material input. The combination of two laser beams allows CH
welding with accurately controlled cooling cycle which avoids the formation of hot cracks in the welding zone. Due to less residual stresses and
favourable equiaxed microstructure, improved joint quality is obtained. Industrial partners, interested by licensing or technical cooperation are
sought for application in aerospace and transport.
Explosiveforming of
A Dutch company developed specialist expertise and facilities for explosive forming. This special technology consist of forming of sheet metal with an
sheet metal products
underwater xplosion. It is particularly wel suited for prototypes and small production runs. Target markets are aerospace, proces industry, energy
(gas turbines & nuclear) and architecture & art-related objects. Technical co-operation is sought with companies that are interested in applying
explosively formedproducts.
Rubber-pad pressing
of sheet metal components
coatingsfor advancedsteamturbines
Washing robot for environmentally
friendlyand intelligent
Asmall Dutch company isspecialised in designingand manufacturing sheet metal parts. In co-operationwith TNO, the Dutch institute for applied scientific
research, the company developed a rubber-pad stamping pres technology, based on the technology used for aircraft components.The Dutch company is
interested in commercial greementswith technical assistance with industrial partners andcompanies specialised in industrial designandengineering.
A Spanish research group has developed a series of coatings to protect steam turbine components from steam oxidation. This technology is used to
achieve higher power generation efficiency in steam turbines. Long term laboratory and in-plant steam oxidation testing at 650Ί C exhibit excellent
perfomance. The Institute is looking for manufacturing agreements
A Dutch engineering company developed a washing robot for the internal cleaning of tanks in an environmentally friendly way. The robot combines
thorough cleaning with economy, allowing for a reduction of the operational costs of the washing process. The robot can be used for cleaningof
production, transport and storage tanks used for example in the chemical and food industry. Partners are sought as licensees, for joint projects and
commercial agreements with technical assistance.
Innovative actuatorsfor Braille
monitors cells
ARomanianCentreof Inventions hasdevelopedanewgeneration ofactuators for Braille monitor cells,usingcold plasma. The advantagesof plasmaactuators
overconventional piezoelectricones includethe reducedelectric power (8 to 10 times), their luminosity,their small size, andtheir lower manufacturingcosts.
TheCentre is lookingfor industrial and research partners interested in further development and manufacturingand/or financial support or investments.
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