ερευνα & τεχνολογια | 03 - 05/2016
and Technology (EIT), founded in
innovation and entrepreneurship,
was based on a simple, yet
pioneering idea: bringing together
higher education, research and
innovation, and developing a
research facilities and businesses
with a common action plan, the EIT
formed the“Knowledge Innovation
Communities”(KICs). The EIT is part
of Horizon 2020, the EU Framework
Programme for Research and
Innovation, and its activities aim to
fosterthetransitionfromthe ideato
the product and from the research
label to the market, cultivating,
simultaneously, an entrepreneurial
developing innovative products
and services.
The special supplement in this issue
regards the EIT, the first European
initiative to foster innovation from
all three sides of the Knowledge
Triangle (education, research, entre-
preneurship), and its practices.
(EKT), National Contact Point for
Horizon 2020, in collaboration
with General Secretariat for
Research and Technology, recently
organized an Info Day regarding
the EIT’s activities and the new
funding opportunities available
for universities, research centres
and businesses in Greece. In their
interviews given to "Innovation,
Research & Technology" Magazine,
the EIT representatives, Mathea
Fammels and Antonios Fysekidis,
presented the EIT’s mission, its
funding opportunities, as well
as the benefits for the Greek
interested in participating in its
European Institute of Innovation and
Technology (EIT)
European Institute of
Innovation and Technology
Professor M. Mazzucato launched
the Greek edition of her book
debunking public vs. private
sector myths”, published by
Kritiki editions, at a standing
room only event at the National
Hellenic Research Foundation
in Athens, on Thursday 19
May 2016. The event, which
was organized by the National
Kritiki editions, began with a
speech on the relevance of the
book for Greece’s economy by
the Alternate Greek Minister
for Research & Innovation,
Costas Fotakis. Other speakers
discussing the book included Dr
Documentation Centre), Kostis
Vaitsos (Emeritus Professor of the
University of Athens) and Yannis
Caloghirou (Professor at the
National Technical University).
M. Mazzucato gained the
interest of over 250 attendants
focusing on how interesting
and dynamic synergies could
be created between the State
and the enterprises, especially
green technology.
M. Mazzucato about the Entrepreneurial
State and its role as an innovation
Official event page
Interview with Professor
Mariana Mazzucato
Mariana Mazzucato
This edition is the first in a series
of publications being launched
by the National Documentation
Centre (EKT), with the aim of
capturing the input and output
of knowledge intensive activities
across the thirteen regions of the
country. In 2013, the total R&D
Expenditure in Greece amounted
to 1,465.7 million Euros. The
largest portion of the national R&D
Expenditure for the year 2013 is
executed in the region of Attiki
(820.27 million Euros), which is
followed by, yet quite far behind,
the regions of Kentriki Makedonia
(183.30 million Euros), and Kriti
(120.68 million Euros). Reversely,
R&D expenditure is much lower in
the regions of Dytiki Makedonia
(17.80 million Euros), Notio Aigaio
(14.98 million Euros), and Ionia
Nisia (8.17 million Euros).
In the same period, the total R&D
Personnel in Greece was 82,684
people, comprising of researchers
and other R&D personnel, i.e.
technicians and other supporting
staff. In terms of full-time
equivalents (FTE), R&D Personnel
counted 42,187.6 people. The
majority of both the R&Dpersonnel
and of the researchers is employed
in the region of Attiki in numbers
triple than of those employed in
the region of Kentriki Makedonia
(second). The region of Kriti follows
third. The regions of Ionia Nisia
and of Dytiki Makedonia indicate
the lowest numbers of both R&D
personnel and of researchers.
Amongthefourtypesof innovation
(product, process, organizational
and marketing innovation), the
last two types are found to be the
dominant in Greek enterprises
across all regions. In 8 regions
marketing innovation is the
dominant type, while in 5 regions
it is the marketing innovation that
ranks first. It is to be noted that
in every region, all four types of
innovation are present yet with
varying degrees.
The regional dimension of knowledge in-
tensive activities in Greece - Overview 2015
The whole edition
Helping people with disabilities
is not just a business for family
ownedVeziris Healthcare, it’s also a
personal mission. Inspired by their
own family story the company has
been specialising in the field of
mobility and physiotherapy since
1994. In 1998, the SME pioneered
a mobility aid called Body Up
Evolution, a lightweight, easy-to-
assemble patient lift and although
the family began exporting to a
few countries in 2011, it lacked
in Europe. After hearing about
the Enterprise Europe Network
business matchmaking successes,
Emmanuel Veziris talked with
Cristina Pascual at the National
Documentation Centre, partner
of the Enterprise Europe Network-
Using the Network’s business
database, Cristina was able to
showcase the company and
and identify several potential
distributors. One that immediately
stood out was Stamed s.r.o., a
specialised Czech importer and
distributor of medical equipment
for elderly people. The Network
partners put the two companies in
touch and since their first contact
they have established a long-term
AGreek SME gains a Czech distributor thanks
to the Enterprise Europe Network-Hellas
Body Up Evolution
Enterprise Europe Network