Καινοτομία, Έρευνα & Τεχνολογία, τ. 43 - page 26

KAINOTOMIA ∂ƒ∂À¡∞ ∫∞π ∆∂á√§√°π∞
A Greek company has developed an innovative, patented technology (trap) for the control of the insect bactocecera oleae (Dacus) in
olive tree farms. The trap is compatible with all organic farming laws and it provides sufficient control of the insect, requiring no
further action to achieve optimal results.The company is primarily interested for a licensing agreement and secondarily for a
manufacturing agreement or a commercial agreement with technical assistance.
An acrylamid-free production technology has been developed and patented by a French university spin-off that collaborates with a
German consultant. The technology combines thermal and controlled pressure changes. It can substitute all production processes
related to acrylamid risks. The company is looking for licensees and/or commercial agreement with technical assistance.
A French research institute has developed a synthetic inorganic biomaterial, porous and resorbable, for osseous filling and drug
delivery, which permits, in addition to a macroporosity allowing osteo-conduction, integration of known quantities of active
substances. The research institute is looking for license agreement and technical co-operation.
A Basque university department offers an invention related to the treatment of multiple sclerosis, in which a therapeutical target
that makes oligodendrocytes vulnerable to cell death has been identified. Such target discovered, is absolutely novel and drugs
blocking its activity have not been used to treat multiple sclerosis. The advantage is simple and clear: the discovery may create a new
ground to treat multiple sclerosis, a disease for which there is no specific and efficient treatment.
A Finnish bioscience company has invented a method for detecting risk of prostate cancer. The company has demonstrated novel
associations between mutations in the human paraoxonase (PON1) gene and increased risk of developing prostate cancer. The
research results indicate that men carrying mutations in the PON1 gene are six times more likely to get the disease. Partners for
exclusive license are sought from companies developing diagnostics and/or therapeutic treatments for prostate cancer.
An Andalusian research group has developed new prototypes of non-toxic 5-fluorouracil-containing O,N-acetals that foster the
cellular differentiation process. Moreover, the group has proved in vivo evidence that, through an original mechanism, choline
kinase is a new target for the design of anti-tumour drugs that do not induce the multi-drug resistance phenotype. They are looking
for pharmaceutical industries interested in the development of the compounds through licence or joint venture.
A Scottish research institute has developed a medical imager capable of accurately mapping temperature below the skin. The imager
has the potential to be used in the diagnosis of a range of conditions including arthritis, rheumatism and skin cancer (melanoma).
Advantages include inherently safe operation meaning that repeated screening is possible, operation by nursing staff and low
running costs. The institute is seeking partners interested in licensing agreements or technical cooperation.
A Catalan research group (Spain) working in the field of cell biology has created a new service for the collection of cell lines,
including: cell line collection, cell line distribution, safe deposit, quality control, mycoplasma eradication, expansion and storage
and production of cells. The research group is looking for depositors and users (research groups, hospitals and private companies in
the fields of cell biology, biochemistry, veterinary, pharmacy, genetics, etc.).
Clinicians in the UK National Health Service (NHS) have designed new gonad shields to be used during pelvic x-rays, particularly
with paediatric patients. This new set of shields are designed in a way to give optimum protection and ease of use and are also
flexible. The NHS is seeking companies involved in X-ray and radiation protection to manufacture and sell the new shields.
A German dental research institute offers a diagnostic sensor system for registration of the lower jaw position relative to the skull
(mandibular position) thus calculating the actual false (caused by dental malpractice, tooth decay, heredity, accidents, etc,) and
correct position incl. therapeutic strategies. Incorrect position may induce several problems: bruxism, tinnitus, migraine, pain, etc.
They are looking for dentists and dental labs for commercial agreements with technical assistance.
A team from the Autonoma University of Madrid has developed a serological test for Chagas disease. The test is an ELISA based in
peptide R3 that corresponds to the amino terminus of the Cha autoantigen. The R3 ELISA shows high specificity and sensitivity, and
does not present cross-reactivity with other endemic diseases. The test could be used as a confirmatory and follow up test. They seek
a company interested in the diagnostic kit commercialisation.
A UK based SME has developed a range of value-added process development technology to help bio-pharmaceutical companies and
research organisations to get products through to early stage clinical trials and beyond. Services include process optimisation, scale-
up, and development through to production and project management. Advantages include cost efficiency and speed of delivery. The
company is seeking organisations interested in a commercial agreement with technical assistance.
Olive tree-fly trap for organic
Technology for acrylamid-free
production in food and
pharmaceutical, cosmetics and
food production process
New porous and resorbable
synthetic inorganic biomaterial
for osseous filling and drug
Compounds for treatment of
multiple sclerosis
Method for detecting a risk of
prostate cancer by use of
genetic variations
An anti-cancer chemotherapy
based on new targets
Medical imager for sub-surface
temperature mapping
Eukaryotic Cell Line Bank
Gonad Shields
IPR Intra-oral Pressure
dependent Registration - a new
approach in pain diagnosis and
Chagas disease diagnostic test
Bio-pharma process selection,
development and scale-up
Biological Sciences
Agriculture and Marine Resources
ETA 038
ZAB TO 0311
EAST 04 008
Agrofood Industry
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