Καινοτομία, Έρευνα & Τεχνολογία, τ. 30 - page 16

Κωδικός Τίτλος/Περιγραφή
Automation of multi-flavoured yoghurt
filling and packing line
A yoghurt manufacturer seeks the technology to automate the filling of standard-sized cardboard and plastictubs with fruit-flavoured yoghurt, and the
packingof suchtubs intocardboard sleeves, each sleeve containingup tosix different flavours of yoghurt. The company is seeking suppliers/desig-
ners of automated filling/packing lines who can undertake the design, manufacture [or procurement!, installationand commissioningof such technology.
Welding robot/technology for
manufacturing high quality
agricultural machinery units
Hungarian medium-scale enterprise requires a welding robot, for a precise manufacturing of large agricultural machinery units, fromcompanies
manufacturingwelding robots. The heavy welded unitscannot be produced by means of manual welding with a precision, required by the
market. The width of welded units is between 2.5 - 4 meters. Co-operation partner for technology transfer is required.
Electrostatic painting technology using
pulverised paints for painting
agricultural machinery units
A Hungarian medium-scale enterprise requires an industrial painting technology for the application of environmentally friendly paint layers
highly resistant against wear, chemicals and weather, to be applied ina uniform layer thickness and an aesthetic execution for agricultural
machinery. The maximum dimensions of theobject to be treated are 3000 χ 2000 χ 3300 mm, with a maximum weight of 3.000 N. The
company isseeking engineering partners with possible further cooperation possibilities.
Miniature low-power actuators for
use in medical devices
Technology for the Detectionof
Biotoxins in Food Products
Electroluminescent ink/film
AUK SME is lookingfor companies that have expertise inminiature low-power actuators including electrical, pneumatic, hydraulic and smart mate­
rials suchas shape memory alloys. The company isseeking partners to develop actuators suitable for use in their high-technology medical devices.
The research department of an Irish SME isseeking specific analysis and detection technologies for the identificationof the presence of toxic
substances in Food Products. They seek the most up-to-dateanalysis and measurement technologies available. The ideal partner would be
a Biochemical Researchorganisation which has or can develop the required technologies.
Chemical Industry
Estonian SME wants to print or otherwise apply electroluminescent images on clothes. A potential solution could be based on light-emitting
polymer technology. They are looking fora partner able to supply know-how and smal quantities of necessary materials to use such technology
in product development and test-marketing stage.
Acceleration of the painting
procedure of plastic components
Greek SME manufacturing electrical equipment (e.g.: sockets, dimmers, transformers, security systems! is interested in increasing their productivity GR
by speeding up thepainting procedure. The painting process isquite slow and it decelerates the production line. They are interested in a
technical co-operationwith an industryspecialising in painting technologieswith particular emphasis on plastics painting.
The painting technology required must be ready to be used for industrial applications.
UV curing technology for 3D
solid-wood clear coatings
An Italian company involved in industrial processingof high-quality wood components for the wood-furnituresector is looking for innovative
solutions of UV curing systems for transparent coatings on 3D solid-wood substrates. The objective is to reducecuring time of wood coatings
by introducing new technology into the process. They are looking mainly for high-tech UV ovens manufacturer for the wood-furniture
sector and technical assistance fromUV-curable coatings formulators.
Optimisation of the quality
of painted plastic components
of electrical equipment
and appliances
Greek company manufacturing electrical equipment (e.g.: sockets, dimmers, transformers etc.) isseeking for the ideal combination between
plastic and paint inorder to optimise the quality of the painted plastic components. In particular they are interested ingainingtheoretical/
practical knowledge on the polymer-paint chemistry and painting process. They would like toconclude a technical co-operation
agreement, or know-how transfer with companies, research institutions and universities.
UV curing resin formulations
Middle, high frequency techniques
or other direct heating
techniques for heating bearings
A French SME niche manufacturer of paints and varnishes is looking for formulas for UV curing resins. More specifically, thecompany is
looking either to manufacture UV curing resins under licence froma European partner or to reach a commercial agreement with an
independent UV curing resin provider.
Construction Technology
A Dutchmanufacturer of induction heating equipment is looking for middle, high frequency techniques orother direct heating techniques for
heating bearings. The new technology should shorten heating times, reduce theamount of weight and volume of theoften portable product
enhancing working conditions inthe field. Knowledge of partner should be fit to be applied inautomotive, marine, offshoreand industrial,
mining settings, worldwide.
Recovery system of liquid waste for
cleaning machines dedicated for non-
polished floor: paving stones,stones,
asp halt, and synthetic rubber paste
New technology for assembly of SMD
components and manufacturing
of PCB (printed circuit boards)
A French SME has designed and manufactured cleaning machines for outdoor uses. These machines are dedicated to non-polished
floors,paving stones, stones, asphalt. The French SME plans touse this type of machine indoors. So the machine
must be able tocollect and recycle the liquidwaste. The aim is tofind a technology already developed inorder to integrate it in their
cleaning machines. This technology should allow cleaning wastewater recovery.
Electronics, Microelectronics
A Polish company operating inthe field of electronicsand industrial automation for SMD assembly and PCB manufacturing (short series.)
The company intends to builda sortingplant according to state-of-the-art waste treatment. The company seekscooperation under a
manufacturing agreement, trade agreement or other kindof permanent cooperation with a foreign entity.
Know-how in the field of
switch-mode power suppliers
in the range up to 4 Kw
A smal Polish company fromthe electronics industry is looking for a technology for impulse suppliers of high power up to 4 kW. The technology PL
will be used for manufacture moreefficient devices for supplying computer nets. The technology sought can be either at the laboratory
stage or fully developed. The potential partner should be active in thesame sector (production company!
should be a research institution.
Distribution Technology
An Irish SME, well established in the design and manufacture of medium- voltage electrical distributionequipment, isseeking toexpand itsopera- IE
lions through theacquisition of new technologies associated with this industry. Of particular interest would be new integrated sub-station techno­
logy, with the emphasis for the updatedand automationof distribution services. The technology requested should be fullydeveloped and state-of-the-art.
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