Καινοτομία, Έρευνα & Τεχνολογία, τ. 30 - page 26

Κωδικός Τίτλος/Περιγραφή
Green Map System -a globally
designed visual language
of icons for urban eco-info
GreenMap System (Holland] invites local authorities, designers,touristoffices, NGOs, schools,mapmakers etc.tocreatemaps by chartingurbanareas
ina manner that illuminates the interconnections between the natural & designed environments. Utilising the icons that symbolise thedifferent urban
greensites& cultural resources,mapmakers are independently producingregionally flavoured images that fulfil local needs.
They seek a licence/manufacturing agreement or technicalco-operation.
Software for data and
video streaming
Software for data
and video streaming
A small German company has developed a fibreopticoxygen sensor based onan opto-electronicmeasuring device suitable tor useas a transducer
for biosensors. Advantages overconventional electrodes include itssmall size, zerooxygen consumptionduringmeasurement, highsensitivity at
low oxygen concentrationsand lackof interference by electricor magnetic fields. The company is looking for industrial partners interested in
further development and inresearch institutesand companies fortest
A small Italiancompany has developed a new system tomanage and monitor remotedevices throughsimple, standard SMS (ShortMessaging Sen/ice).
It takes advantage of theglobal GSM network The useof thedevice realised with this technology is veiy simple and lowcost.
The company isTookinq for an industrial and/or commercial greement inorder toexploit the newsystem.
Software for data
and video streaming
A South-Italian researchcenter has developed and implementeda software that improves theTransmissionControl Protocol (TCP) data deliver/
overwireles Internetand audio/video delivery over Real-TimeTransport and User Datagram (PJP/UDP) protocols. The researchgroup is lookingfor
companies interested to licence/markel (andeventually furtherdevelop) thetechnology.
Advanced solutions in
integration (CTI) for smal
and mid-sized businesses
A Spanish telecommunicationcompany offers itsknow-how &expertise in theconvergence of telephonic & network infrastructures. They have 10years
of experience inthearea. It isthe 2nd Ericsson-certified provider inSpain & hasdeveloped projects intheprivate & public sectors. Ithas a high
technological level &gualified staff. Itsactivities are mainly focusedonconsulting,technical management & busines
communication projects. They look forcommercial greement &/or financial resources
A PolishSME developed a technology thatcan replacepaper billswith electronic bills& securely pay foronline shoppingwithout credit cards.
Billsare presented throughdifferentchannels (Internet, telephone, ATM) &paid automatically.Our solution is for bil issuers,banks &e-commerce.
Electronic billswil reducecosts &errors, increase convenience of paying & give competitiveadvantage. They already operate inPoland.
Theyare looking for licenceagreement or joint ventureagreement.
Internet payments
(e-commerce) and
billing systems
The first multimedia telephone
with high added value
e-content services
A Frenchcompany was established inJanuary 1999, todesign, realise and manufacture a telephone terminal includingvideo image,and hi-fi sound
the"VideoTel". The company is looking for partners inorder todevelop technical co-operationor jointventures (research partners, content providers,
operatorsand equipment manufacturers: added value productsfortelephony telecommunication peripherals) ina large development
programmeaiming at creatingmulticultural nd multilingual services.
Voice@Web - A
voice portal platform
An Italian start-upcompany specialised inspeech software solutions forvoice portalsand winner of the PremioArchimede, a national prize for innovative
projectsof youngentrepreneurs,has developed a new and patentedvoice prtal platformthat enables aWeb portal tobecomea voice portal, without
rewriting it inVXML or inSALT languages. The company is interested in joinlventure agreements orcommercial greements with technical assistance.
The World's Best Ticketing
Systems for Sports and
Leisure Businesses
A UK company has developed an integrated ticketingsystemfor large seatedvenuessuchas theatres, arenas, and sports/leisure stadia using
cutting-edge Internet technology and well-proven box office tools. Advantages includeadvanced functionality,marketingdatabase development,
optional "view-from-seat"™technology, and simultaneous multi-channel sales.The company isseeking partners incomputer hardware/sofrware/sen/ices
accustomedtoselling busines "solutions" toend-users.
A French start-updeveloped a product(ADVERCASTING), which broadcastand displays advertising or information (messages, pictures, video clips)
on selected receivers. Ituses a specific technology based on Digital Audio Broadcasting. The existing DAB network allowswireles broadcasting
todisplay at the requiredoutput and on theselected areas.This is a costeffective and powerful solution for communication.
Marketingagreement, financial resources, jointventure are targeted.
Efficient management of EU-funded RTD projects isvital for theirsuccess. Available toolsoften lack inreporting on tasks progresas wel as transparency
on project status. The German BALancecompany offers a software tunedtocompanies involved in EUfunded RTDprojects
which enables efficient project management, control and reporting.The tool called BALPM(BALance ProjectManagement) isavailable
as softwareoras a BALance ASP service (Application Service Provider)
Advercasting: a data broadcasting
service via Digital Audio
Broadcasting (DAB) offering a
powerful solution for communications
Tool for EU-funded Projects
Securised electronic payment
systems to develop customer
loyality in shops.
Creator of completand universal systems,this French firmdevelops multi-compatible oyalty solutions. Theyset upa payment cardthat caneither be
used in oneor several tradeshops inorder todevelop customers' loyalty.The company proposes two typesof cards: the firstones directedto free
tradeand allowing tomanage for one orseveral shops loyalty programmes, thesecondonesare solutions strictlyadapted totheclients payments.
Theywant a commercial greement/technical ssistance
Management softwarefor
professionals in food catering
(bakers, confectioners, butchers,
fishmongers, cooks, etc.)
iifcy vvani υ C'JII ιecu ug ee er/ fee ILL: Ubbsiaiice
A French SME specialized in training,technical assistance and computing torcompanies dealing with cooking activities offersa completrangeof
management software called "Gastronomia": Light, Junior, @book, Senior pro,Seniorexpert,Seniorchef, version 2002.Thecompany is lookingfor
partnerssuchas educational organisations,associations of companies, oftware companies for its development inEurope through commercial
agreements with technical assistance.
Algorithm for the search of precise
optimal activity locations and for the
analysis of a commercial, industrial,
economical or logistic environment
Automatic Indexing, Annotation and
Retrieval of images with
A French research institute developed an algorithmtogivevery preciseoptimal locations for of any activities (retail stores, supermarkets, advertising, etc.).
Moreover, it allows analysis of the repartitionof customersand delimitationof tradeareas.This product can be useful forany company willing tocreate
new outlets, to reorganise itscommercial or logistic network or toanalyse itsmarket. The algorithmwil alsoenrichany geomarkeling
or mappingsoftwarewith new functions.
A German research instituteoffers a system named PictureFinder. Finding correct images often isperformedusingtextqueries on previously manually
annotated material. The annotation of image archives often requiresenormous timeand cannot be performed inthedesired level ofdetail.
P'ctjreFhder p-ovides tecnnology fa'automatic index'ng and ennotafon of images 'na soecific coma'n.
ABYLA: Facility management
software to describe and manage
any kind of property portfolio
New modular multi-channel
technical platformfor
dynamic Web site creation
SDS Watchdog -Remote
maintenance for
unattended Hardware
A Frenchcompany has createdABYLA, a Computer Aided Facilities Management software used todescribeand manage any kindof property portfolio.
Thecompany is looking for marketingagreements with Europeancompanies specialised inbuildingfacilities, maintenance, and wanting tocomplete
theirsoftwareofferwith a Computer Aided Facilities Management (CAFM).
Information Technology
A Frencheditor of e-Businesapplications for the Internet has a perfectcommandof an advanced technology based onOpen Source standardsand tools, FR
thatallow themtooffer theircustomers ready-made solutions designed tocreateand update dynamic Web sites (on-linevirtual storefront, e-commerce,
e-business,etc.), personal portals,corporateportals, Intranet, Extranet, on-linedirectories,contentsyndication.
UK company,Software Development Solutions (SDS) specializes inthedevelopment of Kiosb and Remote SystemSoftware. The latest addition
to itsportfolio isSDSWatchdog: an intelligent and versatile system, which wil overcome thedangers, associated with unattended and remote hardware.
SDS is looking for partnerships with leading Manufacturersof Kiosksand other systems based on unattended hardware for further software
development and for manufactureof theSDS WatchDog.
Interface allowing for
orders of goods and services
by the Internet - Internet shop
A Polish ITcompany that specialises indesigning, developing and producingcomputer software has developed an interfaceallowing customers
toplace orders by the Internet - a ful Internet shopping service.Theadvantage of sucha virtual shop for theclients is that thedata are being taken
dynamically and directly from thefinancial/accounting systemor logistic programand thenautomatically exported back tothesystem.
The company is looking for e-commerce and ITpartners.
Algorithm to decreasethe
level of interference in a Direct
Digital Synthesiser (DDS)
A French research inslitutedeveloped an algorithmtofiltera digital sinewave with additive noise. It can be used for instance ina Direct Digital Synthesiser FR
(DDS) todecrease the level of interferencedue tophasetruncation. The algorithm isrelatively simple to implement.Thisalgorithmcan be useful every time
a digital sinewave with very high spectral purity isnecessary.The research institute is looking for industrial partners interested infurther development
and new applications.
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