Κωδικός Τίτλος/Περιγραφή
Know-how in the manufacturing of
organic compounds (Specialty
platform for
building telematics solutions
A Dutch SME offers their know-how for the manufacturing oforganic compounds (speciality Sulphonics).The main features of this know-how are
highquality and low environmental waste. They are seeking a manufacturingor [ointventure agreement offeringmarket outlet for the interested companies
A Swedish SME has developed a platformfor building telematics solutions.The platformconsistof both hardware and software. The platform includes
an infrastructuresolution that provides thecustomerwith services such asbilling, fleet management etc Licensing agreements as wel as commercial
agreements with technical assistance with service and industrial companies are sought.
4VDO-Software for management of
digital video archives material
D-VAUDAX: a simple, secure and
reliable Digital Audio Broadcasting
(DAB) compliant multiplexer
A PortuguesSME developed a solution for themanagement ofdigital video assets based onopen standards and platforms, integrating the annotation,
searching and editingchain. The company is looking for partners commercial greement with technical assistance.
The broadcasting of radio programsand data with Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB] requires theuseofa multiplexer after theencoding of the signals,
inorder togroup them. A French start-updeveloped the D-VAUDAX multiplexer that offersο new choice for multiplexing a DAB signal. It is both an
ensemble and a data multiplexer: a compact and cost-effective solution for DAB broadcasters.The SME isseeking financial resources,a marketing
agreement and/or a joint venture agreement.
A French industrial company specialised in metal work has designed and patented a boat handling machine.One of itsadvantages, it'sa versatile
semi-tractor drawn trailer that permitsone person alone tohandle monoor multi hulls: thetransition forone typeof boat toanother isexecuted without
accessories or tools. The company is looking for industrial partners interested incommercial representation,a manufacture transfer with technical
assistance or for testingof new applications.
Electrically powered motor boat
Expertise in waste stabilisation
processes for industrial wastes
(hazardous or mixed wastes)
A Swedish boat manufacturer has developed a new electrically powered, 5 metre long motor boat.The boat isenvironmentally friendly,quiet &
economical. It ismade ofglas fibre reinforced polyester. The 4 kW inboard motor isdriven by lead-batteries that are charged by a built-in battery
charger connected toa solar panel &/or toa 220-240 Volt power supply on shore. With fully charged batteries, the boat can run
at 4 knots for6-7 hours. They want a joint venture or commercial greement.
Waste Management
A French Research and Development Laboratory offersspecific skills inwaste stabilisation (solid, liquid and sludge) incement. They can provide customers
with thewhole development phase, frombench scale tests to industrialisation f theprocess.The know-how was mainly developed for thenuclear industry
[low-level rodioactive waste) but isadaptable toany industrial plant that generates wastes and needs tostabilise/solidify thembefore final disposal.
Technology for the separation
and recycling of mixed plastics
A small Germancompany has developed theTLT-technology, a new procesfor thewet separation of solid or filmplastic waste on the basisof
difference ofdensity. The used media are water, brine and others. The separation itself runsof within a cylinder of 6 mheight and 2 mwidth. It is
a continuous proceswith closed circuitof the medium. The cost of separation comes to0.015 _/ kg inclusive investment and operation.
Thy are interested inany co-operotion fromthe recycling industry.
Single path continuous feed
modular pyrolysi plantfor
ecological conversion of
municipal solid waste
he Dry-Stabilate Method - an
extraordinary solution to the
problem of environmentally riendly
fand economical waste utilisation
Mobile sewage treatment equipment
for cleaning industrial and communal
sewage, without the construction
of a central settling basin
ln-vessel biowaste
Extensive research by a UK company has resulted ina pyrolysiplant design that removes thecomplexities and maintenance problems that are
typical of other pyrolysisystems.The modular constructionand simplicity reduces the requirement for extensive maintenance and incorporates
simplified health and safety features. The procesreduces materials byvolume and producesvaluable residues suchas combustible gases and ash.
The company seeks partners involved inwaste management forJV.
The German company has developed the Dry-Stabilate Method which isa municipal solidwaste (MSW] treatment technology with nearly 100 %
recycling. Dried domestic waste is turned intovaluable components and fuel.The manufactured high-quality substitute fuel
(loose,pellets,packed in bales) is freeof harmful contamination and has a high calorificvalue. The company is looking forco-operations withthe
municipalities energy industry,civil constructionand waste management companies.
Hungarian medium scale enterprise isofferingmobile sewage treatment equipment for local governments, industrial plants and logistic
parks, for thecleaning of industrial and communal sewage. The main advantage of the technology is the possibility of itsoperation without the
constructionof a central settling basin. Itcan be operated in a small place,at lowmaintenance cost. The company is looking for technical and commercial
co-operation partners intheenvironment protection field.
composting system
The German company offers in-vesselcomposting plants from2.50 up to 100,00 tonsannual throughput of organic waste. It takes only
a few days for thebiowaste to undergo an intensive decomposition intheclimatised composting box. Due to the ful encapsulation and exhaust air
treatment odorous and toxic emissions are minimised.The whole procesoperates computer-controlled .The company is looking forco-operations with waste
management and civil construction companies.
Method for obtaining storable
synthetic oils by processing
waste rubber materials with coal
A Spanish Research Institutehas patented a new method for obtaining synthetic oils by co-processing ofwaste rubber,especially waste tyre, with coal,
or evenwith a catalyst based on iron. The procesconsist ina thermolysi/ hydrothermolysis, duringwhich mediumcalorific power gases, highcalorific
residue and thesynthetic oils are obtained.The Institute is looking for license agreement with Industrial Partners interested in rubber recovery toobtain oils.
Microwave Plasma Jet (torch)
for waste gas abatement
A German company developed plasmo abatement cs ο promising strategy for thewaste gasabatement, nthesemiconductor 'roust"/ oe:
compounds (PFCs) e.g.CF3 or C2F6 are used insome plasma etch processes. Itwas found that microwave plasma has belter destruction
and removal efficiency(I
A Swedish inventor has developed a filter device for the separation of solids from liquids or gases, and more particularly a device forcoarse-filteringof
water. The foremost advantage of thisdevice is that it isself-cleaning. The owner of this technology is looking for companies who are interested in taking
over the patent
or cop . ing -hisoevice and technique one ifoossioleto implement Ine diet device ir ne:, fields fechnicaco-operation's also ocss'oe.
Filter device for separationof
solids from flowing-through fluids
New clean technologies
ASpanish Research and Technology Innovation Centre offersa purification plant based on physical /chemical treatment techniques (solid separation
for the valorisation of
and distillation). 80%of thewater is recovered by irrigation purpses. Mobile plants have been developed and thre unitsat industrial
olive mil waste (OMW)
plant s re now operating. The systemdeveloped can be applied to both, 2 and 3 phase olive mills.They are looking fora joint venture,
commercial ormanufacturing agreement or financial agreement.
Metallurgical procesfor
recycling solid wastes from
electric steelworks
Biological treatments for
the use of industrial
effluents and wastes
A Spanish Research Institutehas patented a new recycling proces interesting for metallurgie enterprise.To recovery the ironand zinc metals
presents in theelectric steelworks wastes. The tunnel typeovenwith a movable support for thermal treatment of the agglomerates,
installed in theexhaust gas systemof the merging furnace,and thewarm agglomerate continuously charging of thenonvolatile fraction
of the previous treatment, orecover their metals
The Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering of UniversidaPoliticnica de Madrid has developed a technology consisting of the
processing of wastes fromdifferent industrial sectors usinga biological treatment,such that theproductscan be later used incomposting processes.
The treatments are based on the properties of some micro-organism of decomposing substances, bothaerobically and anaerobically
The group is looking for joint ventures with companies of the industrial sect