Καινοτομία, Έρευνα & Τεχνολογία, τ. 30 - page 25

Κωδικός Τ ί τ λ ο ς / Πε ρ ι γ ραφή
Miniature Electric Air Coil
Suitable for Medical Devices
and Other Applications
An Israeli start-up has developeda miniature air coil (MAC], a self supported electric coil without magnetic core, suitable for use in medical devices,
automation etc. The advantages are the very smal size and a strongmagnetic response in relation to its size. The company is interested incompanies
that wish to cooperate in the developmentof new applications.
A Portuguese R&D organisation has developeda software system to optimiseproduction planning and rol and sheet cutting. This system is based on
sophisticated mathematical programming techniques todeal with the complex combinatorialoptimisation problemsarising in that industrial environment.
Reduction of material wasteana better usageof machine capacity are granted. The organisation is looking for partners
interested incommercial agreement with technical assistance
CUTPLAN -Optimisation
Systems for Production
Planning and Roll
and Sheet Cutting
84271 MULTIWEAVE- Weaving
A Portuguese University, within its Department of Textile Engineering and Department of Mechanical Engineering, has developeda mechanical system,
Machine for Producing
to be integrated inweaving machines, to produce a multiaxial fabric for technical applications, formed by yarns in4 directions, at451, by the insertion
Multiaxial Fabric
of interlaced yarns between the weft & warp & will allow bettercontrol of the mechanical properties. This will provide a specified strength in
multipledirections. They want a technical cooperation
High temperature
superconducting components
for machinery and energy technique
A German SME manufactureshigh temperaturesuperconducting (HTS) ceramic components for industrial applications. The technology allows economic
DT ~
productionof bulb,rings,hollow cylinder,meander, rods. The HTSmaterial is used toassemblesuperconducting magnetic bearings for extremely
nighspeeds (up to 180000 rpm) and high loads (up to 350 kg.]. Further applications are local current transport devices.
The company is looking for joint venture, licensing, marketing agreement, inf. exchange
Resiliently Mounted
Roadside Drain
The technology for pressing
powder materials by using
strong electromagnetic field.
Mobile equipmentfor
cleaning metallic parts surface
Applied research, technology
transfer in manufacturing
industry, special laser systems
A new type of roadside drain has been invented in Northern Ireland. The drain has resilient rubber mountings so that damage to the surroundingroad surface IE
by traffic is prevented. The inventor would like to license the technology to companies capable of manufacturing and marketing the new product.
The RigaTechnical University Laboratoryof powder materials has developed the technology tor pressing the powder materials. The technology can be
LV ~
used inpowder metallurgy for manufacturing details of the tools, prous filters, wheels and disksas well as in chemical industriesand productionof building
materials. The inventor islooking for the partners from an industrial orscientific institutes for joint further research and practical applicationof technology.
A Romanian research institute has developed new equipment for cleaning & drying the metallic surfacesof machined parts. The advantage over
existing similar equipment is flexibility. The equipment is mobileand operates at adjustable
paramètres. Any small and medium- sized users could use
the equipment, where preparation of metallic surfaces by washing is required. The institute is looking for partners interested infurther
development and for testing new applications.
Industr y
A research centre located in North Italy, near Turin, thanks to its 30 years experience in the field of laser technology and industrial automation can
face successfully many different problems of the manufacturing industry. The centre uses innovative processing systems and is an ideal pgrtner for a
co-operation for development of laser technology applied to welding,cutting, coating and micro-machining for a large range of materials with
flexibility, multi-sector and low environmental impact.
Coatings and surface
treatments to improve
material performances
Enlarged Media Systems
(EMS) for Tourist and
Training application
Cooperate Web: an object
An Italian Research company has developed several coating and treatment methodologies,available on a pilot and industrial scale, that solve industrial
problems related to surfaces including corrosion, wear resistance, etc. These methodologies are extremely flexible and can match the needs
of several industrial fields suchas mechanical, energy, and aerospace. The company is looking for industrial partners interested in solving their
surface problems by applying the developed solution.
Informat io n Processing , Informat io n System s
A small Italian enterprise is in the advanced phase of developing a tool, working in the EnlargedMedia system area, to be used by tourists visiting
archaeological monuments and by students for training sessions. The device can answer user requests without manual commands The company is looking
for industrial partner interested in further development and for companies interested in testing and using it for new applications
A Frenchenterprise specialising in co-operative middleware has designed Cooperate Web, an object-oriented middleware for distributed computing.
This product enables different systems to communicate through Internet in respect of 3-thirds architectures. This SME iswilling
to work with partners that would integrate and adapt CoopWeb in intranet/internet applications and develop for their own clients.
A Polish company developed a 3D shape measurement system based on integrated fringe and Gray code projection. It provides automated
determination of absolute co-ordinates of 3Dobjects (x, y, z] - maximum size 2x2x2m3 with accuracy 10-4 of maximal size, and their texture.
System covers the cloud of measurement points into triangle mesh (IGES, DXF, VRLM] which may be directly implemented into the CAD/CAM, reverse
engineering and multimedia systems The company is looking for industrial partners.
-oriented, fast data-access engine for
internet/intranet applications
3D measurement system
Interactive multimedia
training in electronics
soldering techniques
Intranet Library for easy storage
of and access to information
about hardcopy and
electronic documents
A small Swedish company has developed a multimedia package for training in electronics soldering techniques. The training aims at development
of skills on a professional level, in compliance with industry standards and for tasks that need certified personnel. The package isavailable on CD-ROM
and it can be used in individual as well as classroom education. Partners for licence agreements and expanded market coverage are of interest.
Intranet Library is a client-server system developed by a Polish company and 100% based on the WWW standards. It is designed to be fully
independent from the operating system on the client and on the server side. The system's advantage is the ability to store, in an easy way,
information about hardcopy and electronic documents that can be found in the library (books articles, brochures, etc.]. It can be applied to
ease document management and create electronic libraries.
Promotion of electronic
commerce normalisation through
workflow application in Small an d
Medium-sized Enterprises
comprehensive browser for
Java software developers
SAPO (Simulated Book-Accounting
Profit Optimisation): Financial policy
optimisation software package
An Italian research centre has developed a tool implementing e-commerce solutions, in order to help SMEs to learn about emergent e-commerce
standards that might impact their e-commerce solutions.The tool will encourage organisations needing further assistance to utilise the partners'
consultancy resources for variousaspects of their e-commerce implementations. The tool is already well developed, tested and available for
demonstration. They want a technical co-operation.
An Estonian SME announces a comprehensive refactoring browser for the professional Java software developer. With RetactorIT™, developers
and companies can save time and money by transforming existing code into belter design patterns. RefactorIT™ can do this in secondswhile the same
transformation by hand is error-prone and could take several hours. End-users and co-operation partners for beta testing are sought
A small Slovenian business consultancy and software engineering company has developed a family offlexible, easy-to-use, computer-supported tools for
simulation and optimisation of financial policy within a firmof any size and type. It supports financial decision problems and detects fatal business
conditions. It is suitable for management facing the multitask and multi-criteria business environment of a competitive market economy.
The company wants to place its product on themarket.
DsSanh - an electronic
healthcare record solution
A Belgian independent SME has designed a new software called DsSanti, that gives an answer to the needs of the healthcare respnsible concerning
the electronic healthcare record. DsSanti is also providing a solution to the managers of hospitals as regards cuts in health care costs. This company is
looking for partnersable to commercialise and implement this solution in their own medical market (hospitals, nursing homes, convalescent
and old people's homes, etc.).
Ελληνικό Κέντρο Αναδιανομής Καινοτομίας, ΕΚΤ
κα. Κ. Μαλιακρίδα
τηλ 010- 7273903, fax: 010-7246824
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