Καινοτομία, Έρευνα & Τεχνολογία, τ. 30 - page 24

Κωδικός Τίτλος/Περιγραφή
Earthquake Prediction
in Tectonic Active Areas
using Space Techniques
A chemical-analytical test
performing on inorganic and
organic compounds in soil spoils
compost and sludge.
Production of Fish Gelatin
Technology for the production
of Organic White wine from
the Sultana grape variety
New wine yeast for
sparkling wine production
A South-Italian researchcentre has developed and experimented new methods forearthquake prediction in Europe,observing tectonically strategicareas IT
by meansof space techniques, whereby it ispossible toobtaindata ondisplacements, trainand stres of tectonicmassesand precursory phenomena
of seismic activity.The research group is looking for researchcentres, institutionsand companies interested in furtherdevelopment and technicalco-operation.
Slovakian instituteottersthechemical-analytical testperformingon inorganic and organic compounds insoil spoils compostand sludge.
This institute has accredited testing laboratory platforms. Al thetests which aredone by this instituteare inharmony with international standards
EN ISO/IEC 17025 and EN ISO 9002. Theyare looking for partners fromagricultureand environment sector interested infurther development
orcompany which has an interestonsuch testingmethod.
A SpanishTechnical Centrewith in-depthexperience inenvironmental developments ottersknow-how and partnership torco-operative
environmental industrial developments inorder tomake studies to reducewastes and obtainenvironmentally friendly industrial processes.
Fisheries, Resources of the Sea
An Israeli research company ispursuingthefurtherenhancement of the fishgelatin technology recentlydeveloped.The technology exhibits an amino
acid profile thatdifferentiates it from thatof theanimal sourcegelatin.Further development isbeing performedof novel food products,exploiting the
relative advantages of fishgelatin and thatof the reducedcostof the manufacturing technology.Tne company is looking for partners for a licensing
agreement, or forstrategiccollaboration.
Food - Agro Industry
A small Cyprus winery has developed a technology for themanufacture of organic white wineexclusively fromtheSultanavariety of grapes.
The resultingwine isof superior qualitywith a high percentageof total acidity. The company issearching for a research partner toassist in
the further researchand development of this product.
A Spanish researchcentre has developed new thermal sensitiveautolyticwineyeast strains torsparklingwine productionand ha
method forobtaining them. Theseyeastsperformautolysi faster than traditional methods and without needing high temperatures intheprocess.
Thesestrains havea potential use inwine industry. Collaboration sought: wine and/or yeast/microorganism production industry for license agreement.
Mobile Packaging Unit
(UMI -Uni« Mobile
di Imballaggio)
An Italian inventor has developed a mobile packaging plant (UMI) designed for theagro-bod industry. It is
capable of packaging small quantities of fluids/liquidsor small solid objects. This Italian inventor is looking
for manufacturing agreement and/or financial resources.
Natural Winery: New solutions
and equipment for the produ­
ction of high quality wines
through natural processes.
Use of Membrane
Processes for Cheese
Whey Valorisation
An Italianartisan wine-maker has developed a technology based ona modern, rational, economic proceswith low environmental impact, toproduce
wineswhich are completboth inorganoleptic terms and interms of their biological,chemical and physical stability; nostabilisation productsused
and fewer impoverishing interventions required.Seeking partnersto produceand sel theequipment required for this technology and/or companies
interested inproducingwines accordingtothis technology.
A PortuguesUniversityand a groupof dairy companies developed a solution forcheese whey valorisation: theuseof membrane processes toobtain
whey proteinconcentrates (innovativesolution in Portugal). The utilisationof a highcel density continuous bioreactor for the fermentationof theultra
filtrationpermeate allows forelhanol productivity 8 to 10 times larger thanwith conventional systems. Partners fromdairy industriesare sought.
Ecosystem- The
ecological burner
An Italian SME, specialised intheproductionof burners, has developed an ecological burner, whose eco-compatibility isguaranteed by its feeding
system, which employs only natural materials (almonds,pistachios, nutshells). The burnercontains an electronic systemwhich reduces bakingtimes:
it takes only 90 seconds forbaking pizza insteadof 200-240 using the traditional method.Quicker baking timesare also guaranteed by thehigh
calorific power of the lava rockemployed forfurnaces.
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
and Statistical Methods in the
Studyof Olive Oils
Hydraulic piston pump
with adjustable flow
An Italian Researchgroup(University& National Council of Research)hasdeveloped a new technological pproach,Nuclear Magnetic Resonance&
statistical method, tostudyoliveoils interm of thegeographical origin& authentication. The mainadvantage overconventional methods isthatwith a
unique setof experimental data, it is possible toestablish thequality, freshness, geographical originand thecultivar
of oliveoil samples. Theyseek a technical co-operationor commercial greement.
Industrial Manufacture
A Germanengineering company has developed a hydraulic pistonpumpwith a new flow-regulating technology.The pump, which can be builtas an
axial-flowor radial-flow machine, is lighterand smaller thanconventional djustable pumpsand can be manufactured at lower costs. On offer are
licenses for manufactureand saleof this newpump.
A Portuguesresearch institutedeveloped Icomplas, an innovativesoftware application that provides thefunctionality, level of detail and precision
needed to meet industrial requirements incollaborative product develop using CAD systems.The R&Dorganization wants partners commercial
agreement with technical assistance.
ICOMPLAS: Improving Co-opera­
tion and Communication in the
Plastic Mould Life-Cycle
Technology and know-how
for small-scale contract
manufacturing of specialty
A DutchSME, a spin-off company froma University otters integral know-how for thedevelopment and productionof new materials with a highadder
value, inrelatively small amounts tobe used inbiomedical or pharmaceutical polymeric products. This helps SME's [whodo not have thecapacity,
facilities or know-how todevelop and make new materials themselves)to have new, innovativeplasticsat their disposal.The compnay is looking
for jointdevelopments and manufacturing agreements.
A PortuguesUniversity has developed an innovative implementation of theCORONA technology in thecottonfinishing textile industry.Results can be
extended tofibresand fibres' blends other thancotton,namely linen and hemp frompreparation tofinishingand printing,taking practical advantage
of thepossibility towork continuously inambient conditions. Partners fromequipment manufacturing industryare sought forthe
development of the industrialprototype.
CORONA Irradiation
in Textile Finishing
New 3D Scanner for
objects reconstruction
A Portuguescompany has developed an innovative 3D scanner. Thissystem isbased onacquired images of theobject and allowing the3D system
reconstruction. The mainadvantages are theflexibility of the 3D reconstruction technique and the 3Dquality control for manufactured products. Thecom-
pany is lookingfor industrial partnersand research institutes in furtherdevelopment, echnicalcooperation, information exchange and manufacturingagreement.
A Sloveniandevelopment company has developed a new semi-automatic methodof ignitingcandles without theassistance of any outsidesources.
The innovation provides candle producerswith a great advantageover their competitionbecause iteliminates al shortcomingsof ignitingan ordinary
candle,and that at an extremely low cost. The company is looking for partners forcommercial greements and chemical production partners.
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Candle With Integrated
Self-Ignition System
High temperature
superconductor wire for new
energy-saving applications
Young Germancompany active in theproductionof high temperaturesuperconductor (htsc) wire seekspartners inorder todevelop new products for
new applications.HTSCsconductelectricitywith no resistance and can thereforecam/a current indefinitelywithout losing any energy. Other
characteristics include the fact that no magnetic field canexistwithin a superconductor.Revolutionary new applications are possible inmedicine,
power utilities, electronicscompanies transport and physics.
A Novel Mas Production
Method for Electrical
Heating Elements
A small independent UK Company hasdeveloped aTiovel and unique methodof mas producingal types and shapesof electrical heatingelements
by flamespraying, which wil be morecost-effective to manufacture thanexistingelement designs. Elementscan be produced on insulatedsubstrates
or on uninsulated metal substrates. Prototypescurrentlycan be produced up to 3000VV at 24CV Partners with expertise in heating element manufacture
are sought for licensingagreement, joint venture.
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