Καινοτομία, Έρευνα & Τεχνολογία, τ. 30 - page 27

Κωδικός Τίτλος/Περιγραφή
Innovative Universal System
for Intelligent Surveillance
and Medical Monitoring
Management procedure for
synchronous collaborative
session integrated in a distri­
buted supervised architecture
Remote monitoring of
microstructure during
metals processing
An Israeli SME has developed a universal signal/video streaming compression method based on dynamic database search algorithm that can
converge to the rale distortion function. The method has many advantages over thoseexisting (video/signal processing/analysing in high compression
ratio, generatingvideo/signal databases with supporting search utilities on the accumulated databases] and has many applications.
Looking for industrial partners in the field of hardware and complementary technology
A French signal & image processing laboratory developed a patent describing an efficient methodto deal with concurrency control in Computer Supported FR
Co-operative Work applications i.e. applications offering the pssibility to remotelywork togetheron the same multimedia documents.
Application fields include all interconnected interactive systems (computers, PDA, mobile phones). These systems may communicate using
broadband or mobile networks. The laboratory is looking for industrial partners.
Materials Technology
AUK company has developed a remotesystem, based on laser ultrasonics, for monitoring of materials (e.g. thickness, grain size, texture, recrystallisation).
Advantages are that it is:tolerantto poor surface conditionand hot, rapidly moving surfaces; and non-contacting. It can be sited I -2m from the material
surface e.g. for steel rolling. The company is looking for industrial material processors to demonstrate the technology and companies
interested in becoming technology partners/licensees.
C02 textile dyeing anc T
colouring at supercritical
Aqueous textile dyeing is replaced by dyeing using carbon dioxide as a solvent under supercritical conditions. A developmentcarried out by a
Dutch organisation. No water is used and the wastewater does not need to be treated! It can be used for dyeing polyesters, textiles, garments, and,
after modifications, natural fibres such as cottonand wool.Technology is not yet employed in continuous full-scale operation.
Type of co-operation:to test in full-scale application in specific niche.
A device transforming
ground heat energy into
electric energy
A Latvian company has developed a new technology, transforming ground heat energy into electric energy, workingat any place and in any conditions.
The method provides an autonomous electricity source for any kind of houses. There is a laboratory model of the device for that process.
The company is looking for industrial partners interested in technical or any other kind of cooperation.
Solid Fuel Product
from Waste Rubber Tyres
Electro-static powder coating
of non-conductive materials
(plastics, glass, wood, etc.)
AUK company has invented a solid slow-burning fuel product produced from waste rubber lyres using a process comprising of exposing the rubber
to a degradative treatment (irradiationwith microwave radiation. Inventor is looking for a developer for the process and investment in plant.
An Austrian company offers know-how and productioncapacities for pwder coating ot non-conductive material in high-volume production.
The company has developed a special pre-treatment for the components to enable powder coating even on plastics, glass or wood.
Main advantages are high mechanical resistance and various options in design and optic effects. They are looking for a technical
co-operation, licence agreement or manufacturing agreement.
Measurements Methods- Measurements and Standards
Online Benchmarking System
A German consulting company developed an online benchmarking software application. This system is linkedto a multidimensional data warehouse
that is accessible via internet. Online benchmarking can be performedwith an open number of benchmarking clients and is more cost effective.
This system can be applied for any performance oriented branch. The company seeksgroups of endusers for this technology,
nterested to run a competitive,meoningful benchmarking project among themselves.
LPMH measuring system for the
determination of subsoil settlements;
Longitudinal Section Measuring System
An Austrian company is offeringa hydrostatic precision depth measuring instrument for the inspection of depth paths and the inclination of pipes
of al types. A millimetre-exact recordingof longitudinal sections and also temperatureand terrain settlement measurements are possible.
They are looking for licence agreements.
Indicator for checkingthe
temperature of food, pharmaceutical,
biological and chemical products
The proposed technology, developed by an Italian SME is based on the application of laminar shape memory alloys to packets containing food,
pharmaceutical, biological & chemical products fromproduction time, to storage, distribution& selling & consumption by consumers. The temperature
check warrants the conservation of pharmaceuticals,biological & chemical products that need prefixed temperature
conditions. They seek industrial partners in food,pharmaceutical, biological & chemical field.
Electric and Phone Cable
Inspection Based on Computer
Vision Technologies
On-line quality control of face
bricks manufacture by means
of computer vision.
Anatomical and functional connectivity
of the transacted ulnar nerve after
intercostal neurotisation in cats
A Portuguese company has developed an electric cable inspection system. Based on cable acquired images, the system detect the detects on the cable
and gives information concerning the defect analysis. The main institutes advantage is the flexibility of the reconstruction technique. The company is
looking for industrial partners and research in further development, technical cooperation, information exchange and manufacturing agreement.
A Spanish Research Centre has developed a computer vision system to perform on-line inspection and control of face bricks in the manufacturing
process. As the control is carried out immediately after the extrusion, defective bricks can be recycled before passing to the drying and baking stages.
Industrial areas of interest are bricks manufacture companies and scientific software developers. The Research Group is interested commercial and
marketing agreements as well as Licence Agreements.
Medicine, Health
This technology has been developed by a research group from the Medicine faculty of Autonoma University of Madrid. The group has performed
a histologicatand clinical evaluation of a distal muscle reinnervation in cats by an acute transfer of the three intercostals nerves to the ulnar nerve.
The group is looking for Health Care Institutes and Medicine Labs for technical co-operation.
Device for washing the
disabled in their beds
KUKOLIM is a complete systemfor washing the disabled or those with long-term illnesses. The main advantage of the system is that there is no need to
move the person from the bed. Only one person is needed to wash a patient in fifteen minutes. Due the difficulties of the health and sanitary markets,
the Spanish offering company (SME) wants to expand the IPR internationally by licence the IPR or establish long term manufacturing agreements.
A New Mirrored Laryngoscope
for Difficult Intubation
Intubation is a common requirement tor effective anaesthesia. A laryngoscope is usedto visualize the larynx to allow the introduction ol an endotracheal
(ET) tube therein. An anaesthetist in Northern Ireland has invented a fully controllable mirrored laryngoscope for use in difficult intubation situations.
The inventor wants to license the technology to a company capable of making and marketing the product.
New methodology for coating
stents and other implantable
biomedical devices
Photosensitisers for Use in
Photodynamic Therapy (PDT)
An Israeli research institute has developed a new methodology for coating stents and other implantable biomedical devices enabling them to deliver
therapeutically useful doses of radioactivity and/or specific drugs to the site of implantation. The researchers are looking for partners active
in the pharmacological and or medical devices field, with a view to license agreements.
A Portuguese University and its School ot Medicine are developing a method to synthesise new photosensitisers for use in Photodynamic Therapy (PDT).
This technique is developing rapidly, and there is a need for improved photosensitising dyes to enable a wider range of tumour types to be treated.
Clinicians in the area of oncology, ophthalmology and haematology are sought for technical cooperation.
MediCor: a Dispensing System
for Pharmacies for all
Prescription-related Tasks
An Icelandic company specialising in software development tor the health sector has developed MediCor, a dispensing system tor pharmacies.
With MediCor it is possible to perform all prescription-related tasks. The system is unique. It performs interaction checks, dosage checks and allergy
checks on all prescriptions. It also contains professional information from health authoriiies. The company seeks collaborators in the field of software
development for the health industry.
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An Icelandic company specialising in software development lor the health sector has developed an electronic prescription system tor doctors.
The system is designed to make electronic prescription slips, collect al issued prescription forms into a centralised database, and during the prescription
process, the system crosschecks suitability with the individual's medical records. The company wishes to collaborate with software companies
in Europe who have access to the health sector.
Ελληνικό Κέντρο Αναδιανομής Καινοτομίας, ΕΚΤ
κα. Κ. Μαλιακρίδα
τηλ: 010- 7273903, fax: 010-7246824
ePREF - Electronic Prescription
system for Doctors- Application
Software for the Health Sector
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