Καινοτομία, Έρευνα & Τεχνολογία, τ. 30 - page 21

Ι Ρ ϋ Σ Φ ϋ ΡΑ
Κωδικός Τίτλος/Περιγραφή
Conformai coating procesfor
protection against moisture
and chemical contamination
Aerospace Technology
A SwedishSME has startedproductionofa conformai polymercoating process, called Parylene, thatsatisfiesvery high requirementson resistance to
moisture and chemical attacks. Thecoatingalso has excellent dielectric and mechanical properties. A wide range of hardsurfacesand softmaterials,
particularly in the electronic equipmentana medical instrumentsareas, can becoated. Industrial partners interested in
expansionof the manufacturingservicesare preferred.
This Belgiumengineeringconsultingcompany has developed innovativesolutions loractive vibrationcontrol of flexible systems. Thesetechnologies are
applicable toeither micro-vibrations(space interferometry, optical devices,machinetools, etc.) and largestructures(bridges, railways, etc.). Vibrationcontrol is
essential forhigh-precisionmachining, high-accuracyvisual inspection, comfort,acoustics, etc. Thecompany is looking
for a technical co-operation/jointventure agreement.
Innovative Technology for the cheap
and reliable production of
Carbon Nanotubes
Isolation of gibberellic acid
A Cyprus-basedproducerofcarbonnanotubesand relatednanostructures, eeking to becomea worldeader inmanufacturing carbon Inanostructures
in bulkquantities,has developeda technology for the cheapand reliablemanufactureof nanotubes, and seeksa partner for financial assistance
and supportof the technology aswel ascommercial partnerswho require largeamountsof material for specialised applications.
Agriculture - Forestry
The Institute fromPolandhas developed the methodfor isolation ofgibberellicacid,which isaplantstimulatorand isbecoming increasinglyapplicable inagricul­
ture tocropsof someplants. Thepresentmethodusing sorption anadesorplionprocedureallows to isolatea five-fold increase inyield has thusbeen achieved.
Themainadvantagesare lowcost, simple process,yield increaseca. 30%. The Institute is lookingfor industrial partners interested in licenceor jointventure agreement.
Smart system for efficient
UKSME have developed a smaldevice operated bya tinydisk ol a "Smart" hydrogel. Thevalve, connected toanexternal or internal water supply, canbe
plant watering
buriedwithin thesoil inwhich plantsaregrowing. It then detectsa lowwater condition inthesoil and responds by supplyingwater tocorrect it.Thevalve
additionally contains a timing effect. Thesystem requires no external power and may remainunattended for manymonths. Its use can lead toa reduction
in labour, water and effluent.
Development of plant - derived
recombinant vaccines for
veterinary purposes
An Israeli company developed the technologies lor production of recombinant viral particles asvaccines in recombinant plants and microorganisms.
Thecompany is focusing onvaccines mouthand foot disease incattle; ina second phase planning to broaden the development to human health-care
applications.Thecompany is offering a partnership lo a strategie investor for completion of the R&Dphase, production and merchandising the products.
Design of Compounds, with Specific
Gene Suppresser Activity and
Wide Use, Using Rna Molecules.
System management
and monitor by
The Magical Switch - DIGITAL
A Spanish research group!roma public institution hasdeveloped strategies tor thedesign ol RNAs inhibitors which can be used, among others,as
anti-viral drugs inanimals and plants. These compounds are oriented toobtain a higher inhibitor activity and an increase in itsspecificity.Thisgroup
is looking (or biotechnology and pharmaceutical enterprises for licensing and financing.
A smal Italiancompany hasdeveloped a new systemto manage and monitor remotedevices through simple, standard SMS (Short Messaging Service).
It lakes advantage of the global GSM network. Theuseof thedevice realised with this technology isvery simpleand low cost. Thecompany is
looking for an industrial and/or commercial ogreement inorder toexploit the new system.
A German SME is ottering capacitive sensor to replacemechanical buttons and switches. Thesesensors can be installed behind non-conductive materials,
suchaswallpaper, ceramic tiles, parquet flooring, work sheets, plasterboard, glas and plastics. Theyare invisible, vandal proofed and notaffected bydesign.
A standard programme isavailable development of custom-made solutions is possible. Theyare looking for a licence,monufacturingor commercial agreement.
A German research Institutedeveloped a system for the sortingof variousobjects. Components in industrial sitesareoftendelivered unsorted ina boxand have DE
tobe manuallysorted out and fed to the assembly line. A softwareapplication performing the calculation and a robot armfor sorting thesecomponents, speeds
up the process. Thesystemcan be alsoapplied to materials implying health risks. Several camera sensorscan be connected to the systemdependingon
the specific use.
Orasis3D: Automatic sorting
of industrial objects using 3D
camera sensors
Innovative Antitheft Wheel Locker
System for Light Aircraft, Vehicles,
Agricultural and other mobile equipment
New generation,
environmentally friendly
PVC - based compositions
An Israeli SMEspecialising inmanutacturing agricultural equipment and security devices has developed a highly secure wheel locker
system for theft prevention suitable for light aircraft,cars, trucks, tractors and other mobile equipment.
Thecompany is looking for collaboration inmanufacturing agreement and joint venture.
Chemical Industry
The Polish institute developed a method of new generation, ecological PVCcompositions.They show better properties incomparison to standard grades PL
PVCcompositions containing monomere plaslicizers, have been designed todevelop thearticles of improved quality and durability, as wel as
high degre of environmental acceptance. Key component of these novel PVC-based material are semi-solid oligoe sterurethanes of especially
designed structure.The institute is looking for industrial partners.
The Polish institute developed a method of one-stage proces carried out ina twin-screw extruder. Thescrap of films containing polyolelins, polyamides,
polystyrene, ethylene vinyl acetate copolymer and polyesters are made with high boiling 2-oxazolinecompounds (e.g. bis(oxazolines) or ethylene
copolymer andwith thermoplastic polymers to improvecompatibility and to enhance macroscopic propertiesof
er.gineer'ng-he'Toolcstic elastomers, "e
s''ve 's cc<
-o'C''~c_s'r'e co'-e's.
TheComputational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) technology allows indepth and extremely precise upstreamanalysis ol any possible flow, including physical
reactionof fluids and gases under specific conditions and physical environments. This technology isparticularly relevant todomains suchas energy,
environment, electric and mechanical engineering, transformation of materials, biotech,biomedicine, agriculture and
where reliable resultsare required beforefinal implementation of a given application
New engineering
thermoplastic elastomers
based on multilayer
packaging scrap
Computational fluid
dynamics technology
for industrial application
Technologies and know-howìor decen-A German company otters the technological know-how ondecentralised production plants for speciality chemical products. Resources: local,native
oils suchas linseed oil, rape oil, olive oil or sunflower oil. Products:bio-diesel,native epoxy resins, soaps, lenides, adhesives and coaling materials.
They are looking for partners for a technical co-operation, joint venture/licence agreement or manufacturing agreement.
Construction Technology
A Finnish SME hasdeveloped a spreader, which isan accessory toa wheelealoader or a bulldozer. Asan accessory it isa smal investment.
Thespreader is much more effective thanconventional methods and saves material and automatically keeps thicknes and slope to planned
specifications. TheSpreader can be used in road constructions but also other spreading sites. Thecompany looks for
a licensing partner who hosa large retailer network and capacity to utilise this innovation.
tralised processing of local, native oils
to specify chemical products and bio-diesel f
A Spreader to build stone
layers in road construction
and other granular
material spreading
Technical concept for saving people
trapped in skyscrapers during fire
Advanced Thermal Housing
Construction System
using low-cost
Structural Insulated Panels
A smalGerman engineering company hasdeveloped a new technical concept for saving people trapped inmulti-storey buildings during conflagrations. DT~
Itusesseveral vertical tubes inwhich personscan sink to theground with the help of special gliders. On offer are licences for this new safety installation.
AUK company hasdeveloped a low-cost technically innovative building system that maximises the useof readily available low-cost building materials
intoa new proces creating several unique time, cost & energy saving features. Proven benefits over conventional methods range from superior fire
resistance & insulation qualities to greater load-bearing capacity & design flexibility,aswel as savings inassembly time & labour costs.
Thecompany seeks partners for licensing agreements.
ΕλληνικόΚέντροΑναδιανομής Καινοτομίας, ΕΚΤ
κα. Κ. Μαλιακρίδα
τηλ: 010- 7273903, fax:010-7240824
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