Κωδικός Τίτλος έργου
Novel optical materials -
Spectroscopy studies of
multilayer structures
and thin films
Key aspects include novel polymer materials for opto- GR
electronic devices, molecular electronics and vibrational
Surface physics and
The field of research is experimental solid surface
chemistry research group: science and the character of the research is mainly
Studyof thin film/semicon- fundamental. The laboratory is operative since I99I
ductor interfaces with
and is establishedwithin a well-known Greek
surface science experi-
Research Institute. There are various ongoing
mental techniques
collaborationswith other local and international groups
research along with surface analytical services to the
industry and other public and privateorganizations
FP6 - Integrating European Research
SME (<250 employees], LargeCompany, University, R
Projects in thw fields of: *Nanotechnologies, Preparation and characterisationof organic functional
intelligent materials and new production materials and their incorporation in thelabrication
processes * Sustainable development
of optoelectronic devices
FP6 - *Nanotechnologies, Intelligent
SME (<250 employees), LargeCompany, Research/Tech 31/12/02
materials and new production processes- Interfaces, Metals, Spectroscopy,Novel Materials
Integrating European Research Projects
8736 Molecular orientation of The main activity is an intense research on thestructural GR
drawn polymers
characterizationof polymeric materials and more
precisely onthemolecularorientation of either uniaxially
drawn solid polymers or polymers under uniaxial
extensional flow utilizing polarized spectroscopictechni-
ques and atomistic simulations
Soil risk assessment and Contaminants enter thesoil from leaking underground GR~
storage tanks, landfills, waste-disposal ponds and
agricultural chemicals. The soil and groundwater
contamination is thedirect result of the development
of our modern industrial society. Waste production is
associatedwith every human or industrial activity.
Manufacturing requires theextractionand processing
of natural resources (e.g.minerals, forestproducts,
petroleum,etc) and results in the production of large
amounts ofwaste byproducts. Abandoned landfills,
extraction sitesand factories often become sources
of large-scale pollution because even until recently, the
co-produced wasteswere stored at the siteor disposed
of in lakes or rivers. In addition, many petroleum-derived
chemical compounds, after extensive world-wide use,
have been found to be toxic towildlife and fish
(e.g. DDT) .highly toxic tomammals (e.g. pesticides) or
carcinogenic (e.g.PCBs).
Several processes related to improvi
FP6 - 'Nanotechnologie^ Intelligent
SME (<250 employees), Large
materials and new production processes- Company, Research/Tech
Integrating European Research Projects Target partner expertise sought: Plastics Industry.
Polymer Research organization
FP6 -* Sustainable development for
Integrating European Research Projects
Large Company Research/Technology Centre
Chemical Industry, Environment
i oil recovery and GR
soil remediation through removal of liquid organic
pollutants are investigated using a combinationof
experimental and theoretical methods. Multiphase flow
and heat and mass transport phenomena in porous
media and particulate systems comprise one of the core
research areas. The emphasis is placed on the
identification and elucidation of the mechanismsof the
process under investigationand on the parametric study
of the effects of the main system parameters.
FPÓ -* Sustainable development for
Large Company, ResearcfyTechnology Centre
Integrating European Research Projects Oil production industry. Porous media
Network of Excellence on Our aim is the partecipation, exchange and integration IT
Turbulence Research and of ideas, knowledges and collective thinking in this field,
Relevant Broad Spectrum which is, on one hand, one of the major open and still
in progress field of research of fundamental mechanics
and, on the other, one of the major source for innovative
applications ranging from the every day life context, e.g.
civil transportations and micro-clima problems, to the
meteorology, geo and astro-physics (and also military
such as the territorial monitoring) contexts.
University, ResearclVTechnology Centre
Fluid dynamics typical research tools: - experimental,
laboratory and/or numerical; - theoretical, analytical
and statistical methods, physical modelling.
* FP6 - Integrating European
Research Projects in the field of:
* Aeronautics and space
Laser research group:
The field of research is laser physics and optoelectronic GR
Study of photonic materials, properties of novel materials. The character of the
Fiber Bragg gratings, Multi-research is mainly fundamental. The laboratory is
photon processes and
established within a well-known Greek university,
their applications
There are various ongoing collaborations with other
local research groups.
FPÓ - Integrating European Research
SME (<250 employees), Large Company, University, R 31/12/02
Laser Physics. Photonic Materials
Upgrading shear testing The aim of this project is to improve the shear testing
methods for advanced materials at cryogenic, room or
high temperatures. The outcome of this cooperation is
expected to be the establishment of a new generation
improved shear testingprocedures and machines, suitable
for a wide variety ofrnalerials. This should result in the
improvement of guidelines and standards for shear testing.
*FP6 - Integrating European
Research Projects in the fields of:
*Nanotechnologies, Intelligent materials
and new production processes
* Aeronautics and space
SME (<250 employees), Large Company, University, R
Manufacturing of new concept materials
End user of advanced cryo-thermo-mechanical
testing equipment
Synthesis of water-soluble Water-soluble block copolymers are prepared,
bbckcopolymers. Formation combining segments -with different character on the
of soluble interpolymer
same macromolecule. One of the blocks could be a
complexes. Investigation neutral proton-accepting polymer and the other a strong
of their potential use as anionic polyelectrolyte. Miixing with weak polyacids
drug carriers and/or as results in the formation of hydrogen bonding
rheology modifiers
interpolymer complexes which are soluble in low pH.
In semi-dilute solutions the formation of a physical
network takes place and viscosity increases as pH
decreases. Such systems could be applied
as drug carriers and/or as rheology modifiers.
~GR *Nanotechnologies, Intelligent materials, *SME (<250 employees), Large Company
new production processes
-Pharmaceuticals. Biotechnology. Paints.
* No European funding to be applied for Food processing. Rheology.