Κωδικός Τίτλος/Περιγραφή
A range of products for lifting
Arangeof productsfor liftingand positioning buiding productssuchas buiding blocks,paving stones,flagstones or slabs has been developed by an
and positioning building materials
experienced ScottishMedianica Engineer. Theseproductsare unique in their combination of uses. The productsare robustand can be easily
such as paving slabs
used byDIY (Do-lt-YourseIf) users, tradesmen and professionals in thebuidingand horticultural trades.
and building
The company is looking for icensees and manufacturers outsideof the UK.
Acrylic concret-extremelyfast
ASwedish inventor has developed a completrangeof surface coating materials, based on modified acrylic plastics.Theseproductscombine
curing, hard and environmentally
extrem hardnes& durability with elasticity & are environmentally friendly. Theyare looking fora commercia agreement, he principal market consist
friendly concretfor surface coating
ofsurfaces with high demand ondurability tomechanical stresses,high demands on hygiene & thepublic medical service & surfaces
or grouting of building constructions
with highdemands on resistibility toaggressive chemical substances.
Innovative Home
An Italian firmisoffering know-how and complementary expertisetosupport thedevelopment of customised systems for theautomation ol industrial and
and Building
l budings. According tothe requirements of thecontrol system,several devices can be connected for theautomatic contro of the buildings.
Automation Systems
The company is looking for partners in industry involved indomotics,buildingautomation design and systems integration, for technical cooperation
or commercial greement with technical assistance.
Method and Apparatus
APortuguesUniversity, within itsCivil Engineering Department,developed a procesand device tomeasure the maturityof concrete.Thisdevice allows
for Determination of
thedetermination of effective age and maturityof concretstructureswith variable curing temperature conditions.Concretconstructioncompanies and
Maturity of Concret
concret epr -fabricatingfactories are sought fora technica co-operationor manufacturing agreement.
Time Saving Wal System
Acompany in Iceland has toryears been developing an internal walling systemusingT-shaped thin-plate profiles that are cladwith gypsum-fibre,
Profile Walls
gypsum , article boards and other comparable boards.The systemsaves money and labour inaddition toprovide excellent sound isolation.
The Icelandic company issearching partners todevelop machinery to build thewalk, manufacture, markettestinganddistribution.
Method and Apparatus for
APortuguesUniversity, within its CivilEngineering Department,developed a methodand device tomeasure theavailable time for transportation
Determination of
of concrete. Itmeasures and dispays continuously theavailable time before theconcretsets. Inthisway, theconcrettruckdriver can take the
Time for ConcretTransportation
adequate measures and decisions before the time runsoutand concret iswasted. Partners are sought inconcretready mixed
industry,and concretconstructioncompanies.
ePortal • the office door
The German company offersan innovativeelectronic door locking systemwhich is linked toal important buildingand office management tasks.
as an interactive interface
On theone hand ePortal isa door with a highsecurity standard givingacces toa room. On theother hand itworks as an office administration
for intelligent building
system, informationunit, facility management tooletc. The SME is looking for architectsand facility managers who are interested in installing the system
a swel as for partners offering installation support.
Roller-blind boxfor
An Italianfirmoffersan accessory, the roller-blind box, forwindows/doors oll-up blind. The mainbenefits are low weight, high thermal and acoustic
building sector
insulation , fire resistance,completenclosure inside thewal and the facility for builders to install it, characteristics that give competitiveadvantage to
othersexisting on the market. The one proposed here ismade of expanded clay bondedwith inertCFC-fre poyurethane resins.
Technica assistance wil be provided tobuidingsectorfirms
KADOOR®- Universal Door
Acompany in Iceland has developed an internal door system that issuitable toral typesof internal walls.The door system issound insulating and
System for Wood, Aluminium,
savestime inset-up. The Icelandic company issearching for partners todevelop machinery to build thedoors, to manufacture them,totest them on
Plastic and Steel
the market and todistribute them.
Intelligent window based on innova-
An Italian private research centrehas patented inUE, USA and Canada a new type ol polymeric dispersed liquid crystal (PDLC)material. This material,
five electro-optical glasses and
totally transparent to light, can be gradually made opaque by theapplication of an electric field, thus reversing an already knownpropertyof thePDLC.
films made of polymeric dispersed
The materia has a haze-freelectro-optical transmission, reducedcostsand simple manufacturing methods. It can be usedtomake
liquid crystal (reverse-mode PDLC)
intelligentwindows for buildings,cars,back mirrors, etc.
Prottelith - lightweight,
An ustrian SME has developed Prottelith, a lightweight concretproducedfromrecycled polystyrene.Main componentsof Prottelith
ar e minera binders and recycledSlyrofoam packaging material. Prottelith isheat-insulating, breathable and fire-resistant. I can be cut,milled
o r cast inany shapedesired.Prottelithcompnents can beused for moudings, fanpde elements, productionelements, orsound-/fire-
from recycled Styrofoam
and waterproof panels. The company is coking for icensees and new fields of application
SECURISTEP:An innovative
AFrenchSME has developed and registered as a trademark an innovativenon-slip flooring (SECURISTEP), especially formulated toprevent slipping and
non-slip flooring
fallin gonwet or oily floors. The product isaimed for useon factor/ floors,especially inthefood industry, and moregenerally on floors inpublic buildings.
II isalsoof interest totheconsumer market [for example, around swimming pools and on stairs). ThisSME seeks manufacturing agreements under licence
An ItalianCompany hasdeveloped the roto-translatingdoor ERGON, ideal to reducethespace occupied fromtheopening movement.The pushopening IT
systemon bothsides,make the ERGONdoor also the idea solution for thedisabled people onwhee chair. It can be installed without breaking walls
and floors.Thiscompany is looking fordesign companies wiling toe iminate architecture barriers and tooptimise space both incivil and nava buildings.
New ecological and cheap proces
Asmall Italiancompany has developed and testedan innovativeabrasive torcuttingof hardstones.With thisabrasive, thecuttingol hard
for cutting of hard stones
stones isdone by sawing and not bybreaking. This technology ischeaper and moreefficient thanotherscurrentlyused.
The collaboration sought isan industria partnership forexploiting the technology innew app ications.
Electronics, Microelectronics
Micro controller technology
Closed loop control iswherea fan motor pumpor load givesa selectedoutput fromthesystemasmeasured by a sensor- thecontroller closes the
enabling advanced closed
loop t make theachieved performance equal that selected. A small UK Company FlowC
Systems has developed advanced,
loop systems easily
closed loop, microcontroller technology. Thisallowscost savingsand improved capability forexisting productsand faster development of new
and cheaply
products . Flow C
Systemsoffer their expertise toOEMs.
Fuel cells modelling
An Italian University has developed a new fuel cel technology application,which considersa fuel cel systemas a hierarchy ofsubsystems,
and applications
t obe connected to theelectric utility network or to be integrated inautomotive app ications.
The technology could interest thosecompanies that employ fuel cells lor car and UPSproduction.
The research centre isalso offering itstechnical co-operation toother research centres for further developments of the technology.
Noise added
An Italian research centre,specialised inelectronic,electric& systemic engineering, has developed a technology which deals with thepurposeful
systems for
infectio of n ise signa to measurement devices, inorder to improve their meteorological characteristic either/or toallow measurement
measurement application
devices towork ina noisyenvironment. The proposed technology can be applied either tostrongly non linear
(analogtodigita converters) or toquasi- inear measuring devices (sensors). Technica cooperationwanle
Know-how in signal
ASpanishresearch groupotters itsknow-how inSAR(SurveillanceApproach Radar) radar signal processing toobtain 2Dand 3D high-resolution
processing for high-quality
images . The app ications of this technology are thedevelopment of scientific software, signa -processingapplications, rea-timesystems,
radar images
specific-applicatio n integrated circuits,high-speed PCB (Printed Circuit Boards) boards and system integration.
The Institute is looking for informationexchanges or further research.
Noise reduction technology for the
AGermancompany isofferinga new noise reductionsystem tor communication systems.This technology was developed for two and more
creation of a newhands-fre
channels , tobe used ina new hands-freintercomsystem forvehicles, multimedia workstations, telephone systems
speaking system
and hearing aids. Partners are sought with a view tocommercial or technical agreements.
T H X N D A S r kA