Καινοτομία, Έρευνα & Τεχνολογία, τ. 30 - page 23

Κωδικό ς Τίτλος/Περιγραφ ή
Automatic telephone
operator selector
An Italian SME - specialised inadvanced microelectronictechnology- developed a new automatic telephone operator selector, usinga new
technology based ona microcontrollerand a dedicated software. Itworks routing voice and data and automatically choosing the most
convenient tx/rx telephone line and offering many other utilitiesas the possibility topreview the calling number, etc.
The company is looking for an industrial partner interested todevelop the technology and/or to market it.
A SpanishResearch Group has developed a hand-held colour identifier for blind, colour-blind and vision impaired people. After a training period,
thesystem isable to identify any arbitrary number of colours. - The output isa spoken message chosen from a preset list. The research group is
tryingtofindorganisations and companies inorder toestablish license agreements.The potential clients'profile would be incapacitation
organisations or manufacturers of rehabilitation technologies.
A Dutch company has developed a building concept, using thermosiphon solar collectors and coolingcollectors. The zero-emission buildings,
with a lightwooden construction, whereby water for energy storagereplaces the building mass,save building material as well as the
extractionof raw material, and reduces building transportation- at present 25%of the building costs.
The Dutchcompany wants torealise this buildingconcept inco-operation with constructors and project developers.
Optoelectronic Portable Colour
Identifier for Visually
Impaired Persons
Solar energy, zero-emission and
material saving building concept,
supported with positive feasibility
study results
A New Software for Estimating
the Long-Term Average
Performance of Hybrid
Wind/PV Systems
An Italian University research centre has developed a model for Wind/PV systems, emplcyecfby a Fuzzy Logic based multi-objective optimisation
procedure. The model permits theestimate the long-termaverage performanceof a hybridWind/PV system; the monthly-average fraction of the load
metby the generation system isestimated on thebasis of PV Array and Wind-Electric Conversion System (WECS) parameters and monthly-
average meteorological data. They want licence or manufacturing agreement.
New Wind-power
Developed by a smal French company, thiswind power engine isan innovative systemfor produceclean energy. Itsenergy productionbegin with
engine with
very weak wind ( 1 m/s], resists at highwinds,without having tomodify the inclineof the blades. Inorder todevelop the first industrial prototype,
Horizontal hollow blade.
the company is looking for financial, technical, commercial and manufacture resources.
Intelligent valve control system with
electric and pneumatic actuation
based on the LonWorks technology.
A Bulgarian company has developed a range of intelligent valve controllers, based on the LonWorks technology, which can be build intoelectricor
pneumatic actuators. The control functions are performed on thebasis of contactes position pick-up, which ensures high precision in positioning (0.5%),
considerably increased actuators life, and allowscompletediagnosis over the industrial network. The company is looking forco-operation with
industrial manufacturer of actuators and valves.
ASpanishhigh-techcompany has developed an innovative 'smart' building (buildingautomation) that is both fast and easy toconstruct. It is specially
designed togive shelter toall the facilities, equipment andworking team that a technological centreor NTBF might need. The company is lookingfor
developers interested in building this kind of project as a 'turn key project' and construction companies interested incarrying out the work.
Advanced heavy oil
emulsifier for boiler houses.
Latvian company has developed a new generation emulsifier for preparation of heavy oil-water emulsion (HWE) for boiler houses. The operational
principle of the new emulsifier isbased oncavitation destructive effect, which ensures better emulsion properties than theexisting technologies.
HWE iseconomically effective and ecologically friendly. Company is looking for companies interested in thetechnology know how
and equipment,aswell as development of the technologyapplication.
Controlling Electromagnetic
Energy in a Coil with
Simultaneous Charge
and Discharge Pulses
An Israeli research institutehas developed a technology tor controlling electromagnetic energy ina coil, allowing forsimultaneous chargeand discharge
pulses achieved through a propriety switching control circuit. This circuit provides signals that control the input current inorder toproduce the
desired output voltage and current levels inthecoil, theconversion of electric power from one form toanother. Lookingfor
strategic partners in the electronics field to license this technology.
Water saving flushing system
designed for toiletswith adjustable
flushing capacity
Catalysts for the removal
of cyanide
from industrial wastewater
Hungarian SME has invented an energy, water,and cost saving technology used for Hushing of toilets. The intelligentWC reservoir valve isoperated mecha-
nically without auxiliary energy (eg.electricity). The water quantity to be flushed can be pre-selected,resulting in significant water saving. We are looking
for cooperation partners: firmsmanufacturing and selling sanitary products, handicraft warehouses, aswell as companies inthebuilding/construction industry.
A SpanishUniversity has developed a procedure for thepreparation of catalysts used inthe treatmentand chlorine-containing compounds ofwastewater
polluted bycyanide and chlorine-containing compounds. These come from industriesrelated toprecious metals mining, galvanisation, coal gasification,
chemical or pharmaceutical plants, etc. The catalytic systemshows economical advantages compared with thecommercial catalysts. The research group
is looking forcompanies interested inthedevelopment of research projects.
An Italian company has developed and manufactured a CHEMICAL REACTOR that performsa completeoxidation of waste, with the aid of pure oxygen
under pressure. The machine can be used for industrial and hazardous waste and by-products. The operating costsare lower compared to traditional
technology.The company is looking for industrial partners, research institute for further machine implementation and companies for commercial agreement
with technical assistance.
An innovative technology to treat
industrial and hazardous wastes
and industry by-products.
A Belgian company has developed a system thateliminates numerousvolatile organic compounds (VOC). A reactor occupying a volumeof 4 litres
iscapable of eliminating within a few hours bad odours arising fromorganic decompositions ina room of 50 m3 for energy consumption equivalent to
thatof an incandescent lamp.
New air cleaning system
eliminating volatile
jjrganic compounds
Water denitrification achieved
through Continuous-flow Catalytic
Denitrification System (CCDS)
An Innovative Efficient
Industrial Effluent Evaporator
An Israeli research institution has developed a water denitrification technology known as CCDS, enabling theefficient removal of nitrates and nitrites
fromground and drinking water. This technology provides an effective solution for dealing with nitrateconcentrations ingroundwater that have
reached a critical level due tocontinuedextensiveuseof fertilisers. The researchers are looking for partners for a licensing agreement,
aswell as forpartners for further researchcollaboration.
An Israeli SME developed an efficient evaporator tor industrialeffluentsthat reducesconsiderably thevolume of wastewater. The evaporator is based
on innovative heat exchanging technology. Advantages over conventional evaporators include energy saving (byabout 90%) and cost effectiveness.
The company is looking for a partner that could integrate or distribute the technology in industrial effluent removal and recyclingsystems.
A Frenchcompany designed an effective and low-cost proces totreatvery complex industrial aqueous effluents. It is based ona high-performance
aerobic biological treatment for thedisposal of the dissolved and particulate pollutant by a separation at the effluents'root. The effluents are treated
simultaneously biologically and physically allowing to transformhighly polluted wastewater from industries into recyclable clarifiedwater while
restricting sludge production.
WWTP (Waste Water
Treatment Plant) monitoring
and control
An Italian company has developed an integrated approach to improve efficiency and performance of wastewater treatment plant based on the use of
electronics. The goal isto provide high-techdesign, inthe field of electronicsand information technology, applied towaste water treatment, devoted
todevelop innovation technology based projects. The company is looking for industrial partner interested infurther development and inwaste water
treatmentcompany interested toapply the new approach.
Ελληνικό Κέντρο Αναδιανομής Καινοτομίας, ΕΚΤ
κα. Κ. Μαλιακρίδα
τηλ: 010- 7273903, fax: 010-7246824
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