Τίτλος/Περιγραφ ή
A Spanish research group from the Biochemical nd Molecular Biology Department ofAlcalo University presents a technology to determinethe
molecular mechanism ofprostate tumour. Using molecular biology techniques, specific receptorsand another elements (Gproteins,effecters) can
be detected in pathology tissue. The technology can be applied in prostate hyperplasi at cellular andmolecular levels. The developers seek
pharmaceutica l groups for license agreements.
This French company hasdeveloped a newsafety device applicable toall penetrating instruments (scalpels, needles, catheters, etc.) and eliminating
contamination risks for medical staff. For the first time, this device meets the 4 main safety criteria: permanent , automatic, integrated in the
fabricationand selective (only thewounding part of the instrument is protected) .This company has internationa l patents and isat present lookingfor
partnerships such as licence agreements.
A small Dutch company offers a technology forefficient drug targeting. It is a newly developed linker technology that improves the targetingof
drugs. The length of these linkers canbevaried, which improves efficiency.They link atargeting unit to adrug tocreate an effective medicine. The
company is looking fora license agreement with companies that want to use this linker technology orwant to develop lead anti-cancer conjugates.
ASpanish group hasdeveloped anewprocess for the tumour treatment based inthecombination fakiller gene with agene (Ela οother cell cycle
inducers) that increase theeffects ofthat killer gene (agene,Thymidine kinase).Moreover , th Eiagene isatumor suppressor gene and increase
the response to chemotherapy and radiotherapy . They are open to deal with companies the patent licensing and the financial supporting for the
studies invivo and theclinical trials.
A Swedish inventor has developed a device for simultaneous application f a number of allergen test solutions. Thedevice hasa re-usable
"caterpillar" with springs that, when released, inone single operation push theneedles inadisposable cartridgethrough theskin of the patient.The
needles pas through small cavities with exact doses of the test solutions. Patient inconvenienc is reduced, aswell as unintentiona l exposure to
extracts and needles. Partners for licensing are preferred.
A research institute of a north German university has synthesised an oligopeptide-carborane , which is thebasi for a tissue specific Boron-Neutron
CaptureTherapy (BNCT) ofsmall-cel l lungcancer, astrocytoma,prostatecancer and other carcinomas.This newcompoundclasopens upatherapeutic
approachviaBNCTtoanytarget,which can beaddressed viaanoligopeptide ligand. The research groupseeks licensing/co-operatio n partners.
A research group in a north German university discovered that agroup of agents already on the market for the treatment of metabolic disease
(thiazolidinedione compounds/PPARy agonists) is highly active in thecontrol of melanoma growth.The most potent agents tested inhibitedthe
growth of highly malignant cell lines by 90%. These strong anti-proliferativ e effects were associated with induction of acell cycle arrest in Gl
phase. The research group seeks licensing/co-operatio n partners.
A well-known German university hospital , famous for itsdentistry department , hasdeveloped amembrane system that consistofa reabsorbable
carrier material andof anti-adhesions molecules. Theadvantage of the invention is that theanti-adhesions molecules block the undesirable
epitheliagrowth into the depth andthe regeneration f the connective tissue and the alveolar bones of the functional peridontium canoccur
uninterruptedly . The university hospital is looking fora licensee.
A Spanish research group from a public institution hasdeveloped a compound that inhibits the infection with the Leishmania parasite. This
compound blocks the DC-SIGN receptor, which is present in the process of binding and uptake of the parasite byhuman cells. A screening system
based in these results has been developed for the identification f molecules that can block and avoid the binding. Thegroup searches for
pharmaceutica l ompanies interested in license agreements andfinancing.
An Italian company specialised in customised software especially for pharmaceutica l ompanies, hasdeveloped anautomated system, based on the
use of smart cameras, for the quality control of pharmaceutica l bottles.Thi s system, called "Neural SeeS," carries out the quality control f
pharmaceutica l bottles and automaticall y discards those that arenot consistent with prefixed quality standards. The potential partners being
sought arepharmaceutica l ompanies for license/commercia l agreements"
ASpanish SMEhas developed abreath test fordetectionof Helicobacter pylori. Itsmain advantage is that it isanon-invasive diagnostic method that
can be used instead of endoscopy, mainly for confirming the definitive eradication f H. pylori in patients that have undergone an eradication
treatment . Another important and innovative characteristi c is that it is theonly product authorised for 5 to 17-year-old patients. They look for any
kind ofagreements to transfer their product.
Telecommunication s
The Polish Research Team hasdeveloped anew alarm system. TheSTAR and STAR-320 systems provide alarm-broadcas t di patch and telephone
communication at industrial plants with explosion-hazardou s areas. They aredesigned to integrate communication between two branch houseof
the same plant or operate within thereach ofone plant. The researchers looking for partners for co-operation.
A Spanish research group hasdeveloped atechnology for thedesign and manufacturing ofmicrowave flat antennas with high, medium or low gain
having different kinds of coverage. Main applications are in the telecommunication s area. Themain advantage is the capability of these types of
antennas towork on linear or circular polarisation inanyof the L,S, CorX bands. The Institute is looking for manufacturing a d license deals.
A Spanish company hasdeveloped a television decoder that constitutes an advanced "home entertainment " system, with numerous multimedia
possibilities. The unit includes ahigh-capacit y s orage system (60-80 GB), which together with MPEG4 broadcasting system allows storing about
200 hours ofvideo to beplayed at any time with thepossibility ofextra fast search/forward . It can beused for movie renting,daily broadcastingof
news and shows, etc.Thecompany isopen toany kind of agreement .
An Italian automotive company has projected anddeveloped the "NOSTOP" device. It is a simple and inexpensive add-on-tool f rpreventing flat
tyres. It consistofan elastomeric insert, located between thehoop and the tyre,which enables thedriver tocontinue todrive the car for almost 150
km.The company is looking for final tests, productionanddistribution partners.