Καινοτομία, Έρευνα & Τεχνολογία, τ. 35 - page 21

αναζήτησ τεχνολογιών
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A leading UKmanufacturer r quires an insulation technology for anew portablegasdelivery systemthat the company isdeveloping. Technologies
should be non-toxic, hygienic, chemically resistant (specifically to oxidising agents),andcapable of high-volume manufacture.Thecompany is
seekingalicense,commercial greementor partnerswith suitabletechnology for joint exploitation.
A leading UKmanufacturer r quires an initiation technology foranewportable gas delivery system that the company isdeveloping. Technologies
should benon-toxic, hygienic, chemically resistant (specifically to oxidising agents) and capable of high-volume manufacture. Thecompany is
seekingalicense,commercial greementor partnerswith suitabletechnology for joint exploitation.
A French company specialised in textile manufacturing isencountering difficulties in cutting properly polyester and polyamid girth.Their current
cutting process hasthe disadvantage to facilitate premature fraying and often presents burned spots on thegirth. Thecompany is seekingan
industrial partnerabletodevelop an efficientcutting system usingadvancedtechnologies such asthermically controlledor ultrasonic cutting.
A Slovak manufacturing company is looking for an oven for producing acrylic sheets for bathtub shells bydeepdrown thermoforming. Theoven
should increasethe productivity at higher quality and moreecological production.They are looking for partner that can provide this Oven.
A German company produces high-quality innovative medical devices since 1999. Theapplication und utilisation of specialised processeof the
biosensors andsensors inconnection with microelectronics require high demands onthemanufacturing ofthe parts.The company is looking fora
technology offerforgrinding and lappingofdevicepartsmadeofstainless steel.
APortugues company manufacturesaluminium panelsto beapplied indoors. Thecompany wishesto producePVCpanelsfor thesamepurposeand
is looking for atechnology that allows working directly on already finished PVCpanels. Theobjective istochange/insert drawings in both major
surfaces (thatarealreadyfinished), without damagingthem.Thecompany is looking for technical co-operationand/or commercial greementwith
technical ssistance.
A German SME, active in thesector of power technology, specialised in oil andgas equipment and chemical industry, is looking foranengineering
officefor joint ventureorco-operationfortheplanning ofequipment inthefieldof theoil,gasandchemical industry, planning intheareaof piping
constructions andsupport of planning of measuring and control technique. The potential partner should have theexperience in oneor several
named sectorsfor technicalco-operation.
ASwedish company producing thin injection moulded plastic partsfor mobiletelephones is looking for detectionmethodstodiscover very small surface
defects.The defectscan bewaxor oil fromthetool, spots and scratches.Thecompany prefer, if possible, adetection method to useon-line without
touchingthesurfaceofthe product ifpossible.Verystrictrequirementsonthefinal productsurfacesnecessitate accurate methodstodetect small defects.
AFrench firm manufacturing thermal protective linings for industrial equipment is looking for amaterial that can resist tosparks during welding
operations.The partner sought can beaswell afirmasatechnical centremanufacturing orusingthis kind of material.
AHungarian SME isseekingfully developedtechnology and machinery for CNC (computer numerical control) spark erosion.The company wantsto
usethemachines for themanufacturingofdie-castingtools for therubber industry andfor theprocessingofplastics.Theaim istofind atechnology
available onthe market,guaranteeinghigher productivity duetoshorter manufacturing time. The firm is looking for machine tool manufacturers
dealingwith theproduction ofspark erosion machines.
A German company develops and manufactures lectronic components and parts for networks. An HF (high frequency) changeover switch is
required for anewdevelopment that can bebuilt into a 19-inch-device abinet and isable to switch high-frequency power.The switch hasto be
applied in the printed circuit board with application opportunities for thecomputer connection tothecontrol of the changeover. Thepotential
partner should beabletodevelop and produce the HFchangeover switch.
A small Romanian Company active in the packing industry for pharmaceutical products is looking for a blowing technology and the adequate
machine toproduce hollow bodies forpharmaceutical products.The company wants tochange theexisting technology and machine that produces
hollow bodies made of white polyvinyl chlorine. Partners for a joint venture, subcontracting or commercial greement are sought. Therequired
technology must bealreadyon the marketandavailable at areasonablecost.
A Bulgarian SME is looking for ready to use technology for production of rings (forturntables/bearings ) for automobile, agricultural & special
trailers & includes equipment for internal & external bending bars with right angle cross-section & equipment for treatment of the rings to
predetermined parameters. Together with this technological equipment (machine/s &outfit) an instrument forthe utilisation ofthetechnology is
wanted for technical cooperation, joint venture &commercial greement.
An Austrian company developes Stirling engines in Alpha design for a power range from 15to 60 kW. Upto nowfinal drafts and termodynamic
calculations of theengines have beenachieved.For thecalculation and construction fthecrank gear,thepiston and thecylinder aswell asfor the
lubrication engineering partnerswith experiencein designing reciprocatingengines aresought.
AGermancompany operating inthefieldof insulation is lookingforapplication methodsofVacuum insulation panels (VIP) asindustrial cold insulation.
The following benefitswithin theprocessing have to be accomplished: High effectiveness, low-space for insulation andnon-burning insulation. The
company is lookingforan industrial partneroraTechnoCentreinordertoreachalicenceagreement orestablishtechnical co-operation inthisfield.
ASwisfurniture designer is looking formaterial nd associatedprocesto manufacturearegistered design chair.The material, polymer orcomposite,
shouldbe flexibleenough toberolledandgettinghardenough aftertheproces(vulcanisation, polymerisation,coolingorany other hardening process).
After successfultechnical co-operation (maybewith aresearchcentre),amanufacturingagreement issought with an industrial company.
ASwis furniture designer is looking forknow-how in rolling machines allowing to rol aflat trapezoidal sheet ofaluminium or stainless steel. The
machine must allow to takeof the piecefromtheside,or it must bepossible toopen onesideof the roll.The benefit stoavoid theactual welding
of two partsbeforefinal electrolytictreatment.Technical co-operationand manufacturing agreementaresought with an industrial company.
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