Καινοτομία, Έρευνα & Τεχνολογία, τ. 35 - page 18

Agriculture-Forestr y
Agricultural &Marine Resources &Products, Food-Agro Industry,Veterin
Italian company, producer anddistributor f veterinary products and parapharmaceuticals
, wishes to increase their line of veterinary products,
both general nd for race horses. They seek exclusive distribution rights from companies producing pharmaceutica l and parapharmaceutica l
products inthis sector.
A small German company -producer of horse milk andderived cosmetic products - issearching for scientific partners with experienc in medical
enquiries. Theco-operation shall comprise common research about theeffects of medical horse milk therapy on several diseases, leading to new
applications , markets and product variations . If possible, theorganisation may already have related experience/know-ho w (horse milk or
comparabl e nature-based ubstances) .
A French company commercialisin g transfection reagents is looking fornewproducts from innovative discoveries n Molecular and Cellular Biology
such as innovative reagents forthe intracellula r delivery of biomolecules , r porte systems, detection methods relatedtonucleic acids delivery, or
innovative DNAand RNA labelling systems. Theaim istoprovide technologies through products that theFrench company could not provide. This
wil leadtoaLicense Agreement .
A Greek industry, leader in thedrip irrigation systems suitable for abroad variety of agricultura l andhorticultura l applications , is looking fora
e polymer in order to replace Polyethylene (PE)currently used in the manufacturin g of irrigation pipes. They are interested in a
permanent commercia l and technical partnershi p w th achemical company, producer of biopolymers .
A French company seeks probes tomeasurevarious gase(CO, C02,butaneand propane) intheair.The company wishes atechnical collaboration o
develop regulators and alarms assigned fortheagricultura l world.
A Dutch industrial contractor is looking for atechnology todetect and to remove metal particles out of afluid.The product isahigh viscous liquid.
The size of the metal particles varies from 50micron and to molecular size (larger particles can easily beremoved by amagnet). The technology
requestedcan either beatthe laboratory stageor fully developed.Apartner issought for with expereincefor industrial separation technologies.
A small Romanian Company specialized in production of dried tea from medicinal herbs and fruits wishes to expand its range of products. The
company is looking for know how and technological line to produce liquid tea from forest fruits. Partners for ajoint venture, subcontracting or
commercial greementaresought. The requiredtechnology must bealready onthe market and available atareasonablecost.
An Irish company engaged in the production of potato-based snack foods seeks innovative technologies to ad value to its primary waste product
potato skins. The company is interested in either inward licensing of proven technology, or collaborative researchwith partners active in this field.
ASpanish company is interested in carrying out the industrial extraction f lycopenes from tomatowastes in order to fulfil therequirementsofthe
nutraceutical food industry and the pharmaceutica l market.They are looking for an extraction method different from the currently used hexane-
basedmethod.They searchatechnical cooperation.
A Spanish worldwide supplier of food additives is seeking newproducts (food additives, nutraceutical
s or functiona l ingredients ) to increase its
current portfolio. The products must be already developed or available on the market and the aim is getting the exclusive rights of them.
Furthermore the company could absorb other companies as away toobtain their exclusive product portfolio.
A Dutch company is looking for knowledg for developing and building production lines for selection andsorting, positioning , and packagin of
food, combined with knowledg of food laser cutting problems. In production thefollowing technologies must be integrated:vision technology ,
laser technology and vacuum (gas) packaging, available from therequesting company. Theco-operation iswill focus ontheproduction linesand
the partner must beabletobuild them.
ASpanish company is looking foracompany todevelop an innovative measuremen t method capable ofdetectingand identifying colour additives.
This method would furthermor e help tocharacteris properties ofaroma andbitterness in saffron andthus guarantee thebest-qualit y saffron on
European markets.They are looking fortechnical co-operation .
A Latvian cheesmanufacturin g company is looking fortechnology forutilisation f the whey from cheesmanufacturing . Thecompany is looking
for the technology itself and forassistance inadaptation f the technology . The technology has tobealready inthe market.
A Cretan SME, producer of airline meals, nacks and fresh sandwiches issearching fornew preservation technologies and packagin materialstoextent
the shelf-lifeo sandwiches to longer periods than theexisting 8day period.ModifiedAtmosphere Packagin technologies andother minimally processing
methods arepreferred.Technical and Commercia l Collaboration Agreement swith both research institutes andenterprisesar sought.
An Israel i SME is looking for asolution forextendingthe shelf lifeofpeeledgarlic cloves. Presently,garlic cloves arenormally sold under insufficien t
refrigeration andasa result have arelatively short shelf life. The requested technology should extend theshelf life of garlic cloves to four weeks
under open refrigerators ' conditions i supermarkets . Technologies foragro-food shelf-life extension, applicable forgarlic cloves, are sought.
A Swisconsortium recently createdbyafoundation is looking forpartners having developed, or interested in participating in the developmen t of
innovative technologies that will improve the preservation of fruits and vegetableswhen picked ripe.
A Spanish Company working in thedrink sector is looking for enterprises or research entres that canprovide the know howfor recoveringand
purification f C02 frommust fermentation , t beusedfor food processing.Thecompany is open totechnical cooperation orto purchasethe technology .
The Spanish requesting company processe over 30 million kilos ofartichokes in order toextract the hearts and commercialis e them marinated or
brined. Thehearts of theartichoke is just 25%of theweight of the product being used for human consumption , the rest (75%) being used for
feedinganimals. The company isseeking better profitablealternatives forusing this artichoke by-product .
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