Καινοτομία, Έρευνα & Τεχνολογία, τ. 35 - page 25

φορά τεχνολογιών
A German biotechnology company offers apromoter that allows aroot-specifi expression faforeign gene in plants. Promoters egulate he spatial
and temporal transcription fgenes in plants. Thepromoter isuseful forplant protectionapproaches against root-specifi pathogens. In addition it
can beused forexpression andaccumulation f recombinant proteins in roots. Thecompany offers thetechnology for thegeneration f transgenic
plants including the root-specifi promoter.
A small Dutch company developed anewtype of micro sieve. It can beused inseveral applications like the food industry, cell biology, biochemistry
and medical technology. This newfilter hasproperties that do notexist in thecurrent filters. The filter hasasmooth surface andcanbeused fora
long time. Thecompany is looking foracommercial greement were the partner must beactive in the life science area.
A French research centre specialised in the field of biomedical technologies for the monitoring and diagnosis assist, has developed a smart and
automatic filtering method which allows removing any artefact within aheart rate variability signal.This filtering is used in theautonomic nervous
system monitoring by allowing a real time spectral nalysiof the signal. The method canbeused with any medical pplication which activates a
cardiac signal. TheCentre looks for licence and partners.
A German institute has generated the first transgenic rat model for HDexhibiting al characteristic of human HD including emotional disturbance,
cognitive decline andprogressive motor dysfunction. The model allows in-vivo screening by neuroradiologica l methods including PET. It is ideally
suited forstudies on the pathomechanism of HDand for testing experimenta l herapeutics ncluding stemcell transfer. The institute is interested in
licensing agreements with thepharmaceutica l industry.
A Belgian biotech company, specialised inpre-clinical oncology research, as developed unique and distinctive tools that study, among other things,
the migration in vitro of al types of cells and theeffect of compounds in in vivo models that mimic closely clinical reality (more than 30 human
xenografts models covering most of the cancer pathologies) . Co-operation is sought with industrial or academic partners involved in pre-clinical
drug discovery and development .
A UK company hasdeveloped anovel electrophoresi
s system that allows high throughput analysiof bio-molecules stored or processed in 96-wel l
microplate formats and is readily adaptable foruse with 192-,384 -and 768-wel l formats.The system offers ahigh level of parallelism, dramaticall y
reducing technical hands-on time and ultimately costs. The company is looking for license agreements with diagnostics ompanies that have
manufacturing expertise and established saleschannels.
An Andalusian research group has produced a family of growth factors with a specific collagen or hydroxyapatite-bindin g domain. These novel
proteins, when used with anoriginal methodology , promote issue regeneration andaccelerate heir repair. For the moment, there is no substitute
of anyof these products in the whole word. They are looking fora joint venture agreement tobring to the market these therapeutic growth factors.
Chemical Industry
The technology has been developed in CERN, the European Organisation for Nuclear Research, in France. Nowa small Polish Π Agency offersthe
licensefor the commercial use of the technology. The invention consistof the realisation of printed multilayer circuits at high density. The
microvias, which allow the integration f multilayer PCB, are realised through achemical method.
A Spanish University hasdeveloped aprocess for the recovery of proteins from waste effluents of the food industry or for the purification f liquid
flows in the chemistry industry, based on ionexchange separations . It can also beused inwastewater treatment plants. This operation allows alow
denaturalisation degree of biological molecules, a proteins, andrequires asimple and cheap equipment . The University is looking for partners for
technical co-operation .
The University of Alicante jointly with the Queen's University in Belfast has developed a process to pigment coating plastic articles by means of
spring polymer and pigment powder. The process is tested at laboratory scale and is based on the melting "in situ" of polymer powder in
combination with the pigment onto the surface of the part already formed. The technology overcomes traditional problems when coating plastic
articles and isvery appropriated to polyethylene painting.
Construction Technology
Operating in southern England for twenty years, this isasmall company, performing sponsored product development of resin based products.
They areoffering a technology for manufacture of mouldearticles from mixed, unseparated plastics wastes, with no need for pretreatments , all
components being waste materials. They are seeking investment or partnership, from interested manufacturers , recyclers or providers of
investment funding, toenable the full potential of the technology tobe realised
A French company has developed afast multi-hul l boat with very lowresistance to forward motion, using the aerodynami c l ft and theskin effect to
sustain and raise above its shutdown floating level. This type of boat could have multiple applications i thecivil field (passengers transportation
and freight, yachting) andpolice/militar y purpose (patrol and interception) .
Electronics, Microelectronic s
Flixel, an Israeli SME, developed aunique Transmissive , Optical Shutter ARRAY foravariety of optical applications , basically an "Electronic Slide"
which can replace Microdisplays . It provides better performance at lower cost compared to any other technology. It replaces complex mechanica l
systems used in Optical Inspection Systems, Bio-Chip production,etc. High Technologica l b rriers, low production entry barriers are. Looking for
Semiconductor manufacturer s and users ofshutters arrays.
A UK company has patented amethod of using asolid state plasma created in a semiconducto r lens to create asteerable antenna with no moving
parts. The plasma is created by current or photon injection and when sufficientl y dense reflects radio waves. It, and hence the antenna, can be
precisely positioned ither electronicall y or photonicall y andthe devices will bemanufactured in silicon, hence low cost. The company is seeking
financial resources, licencing or manufacturing agreements .
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