αναζήτησ τεχνολογιών
ΙΟΙ 14
Latvian SMEdealingwith Lactic-aci d production is looking for cost-effectiv technologies and devices for production fLactic-acid.The devices are
necessary inorder toprovide the relevant chemical nd microbiologica l processes . The company is looking for manufacturer s able toprovide the
appropriate technology and devices.
ASwedish SME is looking for atechnology tocoat orthodonti c metal rchwires with alayer of asuitable polymer inawhite shade.The layer shallbe
thin, have adhesion and mechanica l properties suitable for dental usage. Importan isalso approved toxic properties for the layer material .
A Swedish SME develops andproduces orthodonti c application systems for the world market. One of their products is aset of polymer-based
orthodonti c brackets used for braces.The brackets are fixed on teeth bycyanoacrylat e dhesives and for this purpose the company looks for small
tubular containers o bottlegaskets for this very reactiveadhesive. The containers needtobe lightproof t avoid polymerisatio n inthe container .
A Swedish SME is looking for amethod for increasing wear resistance oforthodonti c plastic brackets that are used for teeth corrections .The metal
arch wires used together with the plastic brackets cause wearing on the brackets. Ifacoating method is used to increase the wear resistance of the
surface, the layer shall bethin and have adhesion and mechanica l properties suitable for dental usage. Importan isalso approved toxic properties
for the layer material .
A leading Finnish R&D company focusing on genome analysis and thedevelopmen t of genome basedproducts and services is looking for partners for
manufacture both DNA chips (glass) and oligonucleotide s for genetic testand PCRs (polymeris chain reaction) .Asub-contractin g deal is sought.
Chemical Industry
A Spanish company specialised inmanufacturing paint is looking for technologies to produce special coatings to be used inparticular pplications .
The coatings should have special properties in itsfinal use. Collaboration s are sought in developmen t ad formulation fpaint of the following
types: ceramic norganic zinc silicate (Nipo Ceramo) ,epoxi-siloxane , el ctricity-conducting , fire-resistant ,etc.The technology requestedcan either
beat the laboratory stageor fully developed.
A Cyprus glazing manufacture r r quires aprocess for manufacturing fire-resistan t glass. More specifically , the company is looking to reacha
commercia l or technical co-operation agreement with a resin/adhesiv manufacture r that can provide the company with special-for-glas s fire-
resistant adhesive.
A French company specialised in micro gas Chromatograp h engineering forthe industry is looking fora new generation f components : valves
and/or detectors.The company is looking for partners offering uptodate oralternative technologies forthese two components . The company is
interested inany kind of partnership .
An Italian SME manufacturin g zippers is expert in teeth-making (both metal andplastic) andteeth applications to tape, aswell as finishing
operations asslider mounting, stops applications , open end component s applications , etc. Chemical plating or treating technology isnotpartof
their know-how at the moment. Due to market request, the company is looking fora brascolouring technology that should already beon the
market (it can be provideby acompany oraresearch entre) .
A Polish SME from West Poland that produces composite plates for various purposes is currently searching forsomeone who has the knowledg or
technology to produce metal-vermiculit e composite seals.They are looking for acompany that may sell thetechnology or enterco-operation inPoland.
A Cyprus manufacturin g company is looking for a metal-forming technology to manufactur e water tanks made ofstainless steel sheet. The
technology required will replace the existing seamwelding technology used todate, inorder toavoid problems associated with the seam welding
process (thermall y affected stainless teel sheets at the areaof the weldeseam needtobemechanicall y orchemicall y treated toavoid corrosion) .
The company isseeking to reach atechnical co-operationagreement .
Construction Technology
A small Polish company operating in thebuilding sector is looking for newpatterns for housebuilt on thebase ofwooden framing or log
technology. Therequested technology should befully developed. The sought partner should beactive inthe industrial sector, specialising
designing technologies . License agreement ,technical co-operation and production agreement areforeseen.
AFrench firm is looking for asystemtoprotectquickly and cheaplythewalls, furnitureandequipments of factoriesor supermarket s during roof painting
works. Thepartner sought canbeafirmor atechnical centre, not necessaril y specialised in thefieldof construction orpainting coating technologies .
An Austrian SME is searching for awelding technology toweld thin transparen t polycarbonat e profiles and partition walls with varying thicknesse
of between 0.3 and 2.0 mm. Itmust beawatertight joint towithstand aminimupressure of3bar water or glycol fluids. The welding process
should also ensure aquicker production process, product longevity without anymaterial degradation , resistant and transparen t joints. Potential
licenseagreement ,technical ssistance orconsultancy is sought.
A Polish company based intheWest of Poland, specialising i macrolevelling a dreclamation f land using ashes (asa result of the process,
unattractive and useless pieces of land turn into valuable and), building waste dumps and parkings, having analysed market opportunities , s eks
innovative technology for commercia l useof fluidic combustion ashes in commercia l power plants, preferabl y in theform of technology
cooperation , dataexchange orongoing R&D activity.
Electronics, Microelectronics
An Irish SME involved in parts cleaning andsurface preparation f r the electronics andmedical device sectors is looking for state-of-the-ar t
technology for parts cleaning. They are looking for a research/manufacturin g orga isation that hasthespecific technology required or the
capability to develop the technology and tocontinue development .