Καινοτομία, Έρευνα & Τεχνολογία, τ. 35 - page 26

An Irish SME has developed xperienc and expertise inthe fieldof renewable and recoverabl e geotherma l solar energy. Based on heat pump technology ,
it has developed and installed awide range ofgeotherma l heating and cooling systems for homes and commercia l buildings. It now wishes to partner
with architects, engineers, property developers and others for joint ventures in the efficient application f geotherma l solar energy.
Latvian researchers of Wood Chemistry Institute have solved theproblem of ethanol production from deciduous wood andagricultura l wastes suchas
corncobsand straw. The technology allows joint production fethanol and furfural , without destruction f cellulose in furfural obtaining process. Ethanol isa
perspective product,used asmotor fuel, furfural θchemical raw material .The technology isapplied for patent, industriall y testedand offeredfor licensing.
A Hungarian small-scal e company offers energy transformatio n technology and equipment , operated with solar cells, for the recuperation of
electricity into thesupply network. Theefficiency of the equipment is extraordinaril
y high (97% ). The potential partners areelectricity supply
companies, a well as firms dealing with energetics , and power stations for manufacturing/commercia
l ag eements .
A Spanish SME specialised in renewable energies has developed new models of wind turbines (20 kW/10kW). These turbines are self-orientating ,
have a low total height, fit inastandard truck container and require aminimucivil work. They can beused in isolated areas (desalination of sea
water, extraction f water from wells, support to electric ordiesel motors) or connected to the electric network. They are looking for licensees or
commercia l agreement s with technical ssistance.
A German environmenta l R&D institute offers amodified technology to intensify the biogas production from sewage sludge with subsequent sludge
reduction. This is achieved by high-pressur e homogenisatio n echnology at lowdisruption pressures . The newprocess increases the digestion
efficiency of the treated sludge thereby improving the biogas production leading toappreciabl e sludge reduction. Partners for further R&Dandfor
worldwide industrial pplication with maximuexploitation are sought.
Environment, Environment Protection, Waste Management
This small Dutch company hasdeveloped anapplication f the electro-chemistr y forwastewater treatment . This application simplifies wastewater
treatment for al kind of industries. There are nochemicals needed. It also uses les energy than common wastewater treatments . I isalso useable for
treating the most difficul t wastewater . The company is looking for partners with expertise inwastewater . Company can build custom-made system.
A French SME hasdeveloped an innovating offer of service toensure environmenta l m nagemen t i industrial companies . It concerns consulting
services and services on line, accessible viaa technologica l platform that makes it possible tosurvey environmenta l regulations , managemen t of the
conformity of the plant, managemen t of waste and follow-up of environmenta l indicators . Partners are required for a license agreement , a
agreement with technical ssistance or creation ofaJV.
ASwedishcompany hasdeveloped atechnique for recyclingwastewater o producedrinkingwater inasmall-scale, container-based recovery system.Al the
waste from the toilets and the household, including compostabl e waste, can be treated ina local system. The technique is based onnatural processe in a
low-energy, compact , flexible system requiring ochemicals.The company isofferingmarketing and production rights ina large number of countries.
A Czech company has designed a new type of flood protection wall made outof plastic and composite materials. It can also beused asa universal
barrier against avalanches , inagriculture as fences orcan be integrated into the current dams for their stabilisation . Advantage is the simplicity of
the system, full utilisation f the storage space and very long durability with nomaintenance . Th company is looking for partners for joint venture
or commercia l agreement with technical ssistance.
Industrial manufacture, Industry, Materials technology
A small Hungarian company is in full command of the technologies for photochemica l m chining ofcopper and stainless steel alloys. The process
offers endless opportunities todesigners and engineers forproduction f precision parts from sheet metal, since complex shapes are aseasily made
as asimple hole. Industrial , commercia l p rtners and investors are sought.
Latvian SMEhasdeveloped a new technology for welding which improves thequality of a welding seam. During the process a welding site is
irradiated with variable frequency ultrasound/soun d waves, resulting in better properties ofwelding seam. Theequipment is simple, cheapand
easily toapply. The technology also can be applied formetal foundry and heat hardening. SME is looking for companies toapply the technology and
manufactures to produce/sel
l the equipment .
A Spanish research group from a Catalan university hasdeveloped newsoftware for optical characterisatio n of materials in single thin film
applications . The software is intende for research groups and companies producingthin film for coating inhigh precision ptical components , such
as lenseor filters,or thermal insulation glasses. The research group is looking for technical co-operation or commercia l agreement .
A French technical center hasdeveloped a modelling tool (software)speciall
y dedicated to small ship-building . It permits to take into account
constraints from manufacturing side when designing a ship, integrating i thedesign calculation parameters of fabrication (example: maximu
shell curvature) . Design, fabrication parameter s and cost are together optimised. The center is looking for partners interested in technical
cooperation f r further developmen t ad companies for testing the tool.
A Swedish research institute has developed & evaluated principal methods & their consequences when using the Internet in themaintenance & process
control f safety-critica l applications i the manufacturing industry. The results arespecially suited for SMEs&are summarized inahandbook. The institute
wants to further develop the methods & isnow seeking partners with orwithout experienc inthe subject that are interested in technical co-operation .
A Luxembourg-base d company has developed an innovative technology for the production fhigh quality metallic foams (primaril y copper but also
nickel) in the form ofacontinuous strip.The process ischaracterised by low investment cost, lowenergy consumption and lowmaintenance osts.
Potential partner companies may be interested in the use ofmetallic foams for applications such as the manufacture of batteries, EMscreening, heat
exchange devices and electrical contacts.
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