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UK performingarts company, Theatre Cryptic, creates "a visual theatre of sound" in their performances. It seeks novel technologies, techniquesand
processes that can be incorporated in an abstract way to create special effects and multi-sensory experiences to both the musical player and the
listening audience. Aiming to create an emotional response to music, multimedia techniques focused on sound, smell, touch and visual
representations are sought toadd anew dimension to the performingarts.
AUK Company is looking for technologies relating to the treatment of surfaces.The company is potentially interested in licensing such products and
/or further developing them.
A Dutch SME is specialised in the development and production of ceramic coatings using Chemical Vapour Deposition. On a laboratory scale they
developed a titanium nitride coating with specific characteristics. The equipment needed for the production of this coating operates under
atmospheric pressure.The company is looking for apartner (company or R&D institute) that is capable of investigating the possibility of scalingup
this TiN coating proces sothat larger parts can be coated.
Information Processing, Information Systems, Information Technology
German company looks for software technologies / sw tools using the balanced scorecard method which could be adapted toapplications i the area
of strategic management . The focus ison the redirection f the enterprise and the performance control fal functions involved inthe company. The
technology should have gone through an in-depth on-site evaluation (beta test); reference installations are available in Europe.
An Italian company specialised inadvanced procedures for assembly, configuration and test of Personal Computers is looking formanufacturer s of
hardware complements/component
s (peripheral s ordevices that can beconnected tocomputers) with special features and specifications suitable to
meet specific niche-sector needs such as the technology for the nautical/marin e market .
A Spanish company involved in the environmenta l consultancy sector, is looking for acomputer application in Internet technology that allows companies
of some complexity to manage the environmenta l aspects of their activity. The company is looking for license and joint ventures agreements .
A French company develops financial managemen t andbusiness simulation software for public andsemi-publi c organisations . From a certain
degreof complexity , it becomes difficul t fordecision makers to take into account all theelements involved. Thecompany"s project onsists of
offering ergonomie and personalised tools for financial planning andstrategy. Thecompany is looking for a software editor interested in co-
developmen t ad joint commercialisatio n in Europe.
An Italian company with aprominent position in thenational market of systems for computerisatio n of lottery and (sport) pool betting is looking
for partners to develop anadaptive, asy to localise, Internet-enable d software for the EU market. The company is looking for solid technical
partners (software developers) , a well as for organisations with adeep knowledge of the sector (associations , di tribution/managemen
t networks,
technology providers, etc).
An active Nordic venture capital company is looking for opportunities in the embedde terminal software vendors. The venture capital company has
the objective to establish contacts with thecompanies in its existing portfoli andwith seeked companies for technical
nd/or financial co
operation. The minimurequiremen t is that the company should already have experienc in Symbian, Linux and Java based solutions and haveat
least commercia l pilots with existing customers .
An Italian company with agood reputation interms ofoptical fibre, equipment , experienc and competence , is looking for Internet applications for
sharing of files, documents , information andreservations . Thegoal is tosimplify and improve the relationshi p between citizens, institutions and
industries using Internet . Technical co-operation and license agreement are sought with possible partners.
Measurement Methods, Measurements and Standards, Standards
A German SME specialised inunderground water balance analysissearching for anew sensor or measuremen t system for the direct determination
of underground water flow rates (direction and norm/value) . The unit shall beused continuousl
y and the calibration shall be independen t of local
soil conditions . The company seeks for acommercia l agreement and/or technical co-operation ; the system may be ready for demonstration .
A Belgian company, world leader in fuel systems for the automotive industry, is interested in identifying products, expertise and skills for
completing research relative to newgauging technology in order to measure thevolume of fuel in vehicles. Alternatives to current technology
(namely resistor card with moving contact activated by float) are being sought. Joint developmen t should improve andvalidate technology for
gaining improved reliability and better accuracy of the measured fuel volume
A French firm manufacturing l ings toprotect industrial equipment s is looking for asystem to take three-dimensiona l me surement s of the units
to protect. The partner sought can bea firm or a technical center having a real know-how for the manufactur e o the use of measuring devices for
elements with various shapes.
A Swiscompany is looking for atechnology to measure the volume contained inthe cells ofaprinting roll. The roll surface is made ofchrome oxide
ceramic, and formed of microcells that are 20 to 150 microns indiameter , with a depth equal to 1/3of the diameter . The volume contained in these
cells varies between 2 and25 cm3/m2, depending on theapplication . It is intendeto be used byprinters, o it must ultimatel y be ruggedand
compact . Itcan beat laboratory stage or fully developed.
A Dutch company is looking for a technology to measure thethickness ofa 10 nanometer tinoxide layer on theoutside ofglas containers and
bottles. The technology should beable to make themeasuremen t at hot (550 C) glas surfaces when thecontainer has just been formed. The
requested technology can befully developed fordemonstration or already beon themarket. Thecompany is interested in a licence agreement , a
joint venture oracommercia l agreement with technical ssistance.