Καινοτομία, Έρευνα & Τεχνολογία, τ. 35 - page 20

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A French SME looks for know-how in mixed-signal capabilities (logic/analogue) to extend the applications fields of the current Field Programmable
Gate Array (FGPA), for the moment focused on pure digital solutions. Possible extensions are in consumer portable applications but also in any
integrated circuits use.Technical co-operation, manufacturing agreement, and commercial greement with technical assistance aretargeted.
A French SME has developed and patented aposition detection technology designed to realise selection fields. Based on an infrared technology, the
device is freeof al types of mechanical contact.So it can becustomised to each application. The company is looking for partners in the multimedia
and software fields inorder to finish the product development through an application.
The Italian requesting company intends tocreate in the near future amonitoring scheme (controller) for leak detector operating within a 1-10-3
TORR range devoted to vacuum systems. The company is looking forpartners able to design/manufacture the electronic control module.They are
looking for acommercial greement with technical assistance.
ASpanish company, manufacture of Biodiesel, is looking for additives for Biodiesel coming from usedvegetable oils.The additives must reduce the
Cold Filter Plugging Point (CFPP) inorder to carry out the EN14214 standard applied toSpain. The company is looking for acommercial greement
with Technical Assistance.
A Lithuaniancompany would liketoestablish wind power stations in Lithuania (Balticsearegion) and isseeking know-how and informationonal aspects
ofwind power stations inal stages fromconstructiontoexploitation. Thewind power techniques (generators),energy transmission technologiesarealso
topics that thecompany would like toaddress. Main types of desiredcooperation wanted including joint venture and technical cooperation.
A small Polish company from the electronic services sector is looking fornew practical applications of technologies based on renewable sourcesof
energy. The requested technology should be fully developed. The sought partner should be active in the industrial sector, specialising in energy
transforming technologies.Technical co-operation and productionagreement, commercial greement with technical assistance is foreseen.
Enviroment, Environmental Protection, Waste Management
On behalf of several Swedish textile companies, a Swedish research institute for polymer and textile research seeks technologies to purify textile
wastewater. The institute especially seeks an evaporation technology using energy from themanufacture procesto produce clean water, as
condensate, asan alternative to traditional chemical and biological wastewater treatment. The institute would like to find partners interested in
technical co-operation and/or manufacturing agreements.
A profit centre being part of a large Austrian engineering company plans to extend itsproduct portfolio in filtration technology. Requested products
shal target solid/liquid filtration for application in industrial processeor projects (no consumables). To avoid pricecompetition unique innovative
technologies with clear market potential are sought. For not fully developed products the Austrian company offers its experience for final joint
developments before market launch.
The central rubbish dump of a region in the North of Spain is suffering a serious problem caused by visits of an increasing population of seagulls.
They are looking for technical solutions to control this situation. The company isopen to any kind of agreement.
A Cyprus SME wishing to establish a recycling unit in Cyprus is seeking know-how and information on all aspects of recycling in all stages from
collecting to sorting and recycling. The recycling techniques, cost and energy reduction along with environmental compliance are also topics that
the company would like to address. Main types of desired cooperation wanted including joint venture and technical cooperation.
A Spanish company from the region of Cantabria specialised in the treatment of metal wastes from metalworking industries, is requesting
technologies and/or processeto separate the metalworking fluid from the metal chips originated as a result of different metallic manufacture
processes. The methods currently used by the company do not ensure the total separation of the metalworking fluids and the metal chips. The
company is interested in studying different agreements.
Industrial Manufacture, Industry, Materials Technology
An Italiancompany specialised in electronicandelectromechanical omponents planning, is lookingfor atechnology for thedesign and the productionof
apowerful microcontroller that provides highly flexible andcost effectivesolutions for many applications.Apartner should beabletoverify the feasibility
of amicrocontroller device integratedonasingle chip.License/Manufactoring agreements or atechnical co-operationare sought.
An Irish SME involved in parts cleaning and surface preparation for the electronics and medical device sectors is looking for state-of-the-art
technology for the protection of chambers and shields during Physical Vapour Deposition operations.
A small Romanian Company, manufacturer of induction heating equipment, seeks know-how and technology for medium frequency static power
converter in order to broaden its range of products. Thecompany has the facilities and theskilled personnel to implement the new technology.
Partners for Technical cooperation,Joint Venture, Subcontractingor Licenseagreement are sought.The required technology must bealready on the
market and available at areasonable cost.
ASpanishSME is lookingfor special headstocks for thesanding procesofwooden pieceswith special profiles. Theseheadstocks should beabletoadapt to
thecontour ofthe pieceexerting thesamepressureontheentire surface. Also, they shouldbeofan adaptablesoft material like rubberor fatty foams.They
are lookingfor partnerswith know-how inwood processingmachinery, inwood surface treatment and incomposites andabrasive materials.
A small Polish company operating in packaging industry is looking for technology for securing packages against unauthorised opening. The
requested technology (seal, hologram etc.) should be fully developed. The sought partner may be active in industrial sector, specialising in such
securing technologies. Licence agreement, echnical co-operation and commercial greement with technical assistance is foreseen.
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