Καινοτομία, Έρευνα & Τεχνολογία, τ. 35 - page 24

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ΙΟΙ 12
Vgriculture-Forestr y
Agricultural Marine Resources &Products, Food-Agro Industry, Veterinary
An Italian SME has developed aset of software services tosupportine sustainable exploitation f water basins. Water resourcedata can becollected, managed
and analysed and the effectsof water exploitation (water supply, irrigation, power plant, industrial production) o the environment can be modelled on the
basi of thedatacollected.Surfaceandgroundwater modellingtechniques havebeen implemented and tested.Thecompany is lookingfor a license agreement .
A Spanish research group from the University of Barcelona has developed techniques for controlling human viral contamination f shellfish. These
techniques ensure food safety for shellfish industry, in production, depuration and commercialisation . The group is searching for companies
working in the shellfish industry that want to apply these techniques.
A Spanish Public Research Institute has developed a low cost technique to elaborate microcapsule that include acompletdiet for fish larvae, as an
alternative tothe useof live prey.The microcapsules haveahomogeneous composition,spreadeasily inwater andarewell ingested by pelagic and benthic
species of larvae. The research group is looking for aquaculture, pharmaceutica l or biotechnologica l companies for financial support and patent licensing.
Latvian researchers have developed an original raw material for obtaining functional food θfructan syrup. Production f fructan syrup is two-stage
biotechnologica l process.The raw materials of the syrup include commercial sugar or sucrose syrup, distillate from the ethanol production and some
mineral salts. Fructan syrup can be used as an additive for functional food with reduced energetic value and as cholesterol l wering agent. Research
company offers licensing of the existing technology.
An Irish SME has developed, patented and launched on the Irish and UK markets an innovative, mobile, outdoor feedingsystem for cattle. The apparatus is
tractor-drawn ,a dcandispense either calibratedquantities of feed,or asthe animal demands. It isespecially convenient for part-time farmers with limited
time for cattle herd feeding. Licensees are sought, such licensees to bemanufacturers of agricultural machinery with an established market presence.
ASpanish public research institution has developed arapid method to detect infective prion proteins (PrPSc) in ovine bloodaffectedby a Transmissibl e
Spongiform Encephalopathy (TSE) by laser-Raman or infrared spectroscopy . This method can bealso applied to,among others, bovines, goats, humans,
birds, etc.The type of collaboration sought is license agreement and/or financial support with Biotech/Food and Livestock Industries.
A Finnish university spin-off company has developed technology to produce cold-pressed virgin Camelina oil from Camelina sativa seeds. The oil is a
good source of alpha-linoleni c acid compared to other edible oils. Camelina oil has been found to have cholesterol-lowerin g effect comparable to
that of rapeseed and olive oils. It is also technically stable. Co-operation partners to develop and test products using Camelina oil as an ingredient
are sought from the food and cosmetics industries.
AUK company has designed amodel-specifi c ATV electronic cruise control with an operating range of 6-25k/h able to deliver constant low speed
control for crop spraying over smooth or rough terrain. Economic benefits are improved productivity & reduced maintenance &spray & fertiliser
costs. Environmenta l benefits include reduction of toxic build up in soils &contamination f waterways by rainfall runoff from treated areas. The
company seeks partners for manufacture &marketing in Europe.
A German SME has developed ahydraulic pointed-bale collector. It can be fixed on atractor in the front and/or back. It allows the tractor to carry 4
or 8bales of straw or hay (up to 20 kg) and to bring them to the edge of the field. The fields can be cleared in avery short time. The company is
looking for technical nd marketing collaboration .
A Spanish University has developed a"hands off" automatic system to culture plants in vitro that optimise nvironmenta l conditions, solid support
and culture media, in order to produce ornamental nd woody plants adapted for direct transplantation t the soil. The system has been applied,
together with microhedging , for the massive production f virus fre plants, disease resistant plants, etc. The University is seeking license
agreements or commercial agreements with technical ssistance.
Latvian researchers are offering their well-developed t chnology for growing avery productive Papiloionaceous plant Galega or Caucasian goat's rue
(Galega orientalis Lam). The plant is used in biological griculture, farming and environment protection.The researchers are offeringgrowing technology,
assistance, seedmaterial ndarewilling tocontinue thedevelopment and research onadaptation and implementation of thetechnology inother countries.
Automation, Robotics
small Norwegian company has the know-how to develop an efficient and extremely user friendly programming system for industrial robots. The
system will decrease the programming time of industrial robots and in contrast to conventiona l robot systems, make them profitable for small series-
and evenone-of-a-kind production. The company is looking for industrial nd academic partners interested in developing and testing the system.
An Italian SME has developed a passenger check-in and boarding control system ideally suited for airports handling low-cost carriers, charter
operators or other carriers currently using manual procedures.The ADCS is used to handle passengers for carriers which do not have an automated
HOST departure control system and are forced to use control systems of big airlines. They are looking for technical cooperation, joint venture
agreement or commercial greement with technical ssistance.
A PhD in Physics from aSpanish University has developed aprocedure that offers amagnetic and electrical stimulation method that can be used for
biological griculture, cold disinfecting, seed improvement , as well as other applications derived from the transmission f information to living
biological entities. Therefore, chemical contamination in food and the environment can be avoided. An industry partner or a Research Centre is
sought to prove the final applications of the procedure.
Latvian SME in co-operation with Technical University has developed innovative technology for production f lactic-acid. Lactic acid is used for
production of methylester or ethylester. The esters of lactic-acid can be polymerized into biodegradabl e polymers (biodegradabl e p astic materials) ,
dissolvent (car cleansing agent), etc. The company is looking for manufacturer s of packaginmaterials, different solvents.
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