Καινοτομία, Έρευνα & Τεχνολογία, τ. 35 - page 27

Τίτλος/Περιγραφ ή
ASpanish designing company hasdeveloped anewdesign and procedure toproduce recyclable cartons,that is,a box orcarton containing aplastic
bag. Thecarton isprovidewith apour spout: when thespout ispulled out,theflexible tubeformed inthe inner bag"scorner,which has beenglued
to thespout, comes outwith it.After use,the inner bagcaneasily beremoved for selectivetrash.They are looking for a license agreement but open
to other types ofco-operation aswell.
A German company developed design and production of high-precision metal housings (e.gtitanium) based on a modular designed process of
stamping, oil-fredeepdrawing, laser cutting and laser welding, environmentall y friendly degreasing andsurface treatment.Small series or high
quantities can beproduced guaranteeing high-quality products with anexcellent price/performance ratio.The company is looking forpartners in
the medical,automotive and consumer markets.
APolishresearchteamhasdeveloped anew integratedtransmission system.ZIST isdesigned asan intelligent concentrator fcommunication anddata
acquisition devices. Underground stations enabletoconnect underground devices like: telephones,signallers, detectorsandothers.Construction fthe
system ismodular andallows easyextension andoperation invarious configurations . Theyare looking for partners interested inco-operation.
Information Processing, Information Systems, Information Technology
A German SMEhasdeveloped an intelligent software tool forchecking consistency in terminology and style in large documents , in particular in
technical documentation , mainly for themanufacturing , automotive andsoftware industries . Efficiency andaccuracy of technical documentatio n
wil behighly increased bythe solution. The company looks forpartnership with other technology providers in automated translationand
knowledge managemen t (maybe tooffer newlanguages) , orwith potential users.
ASpanish SME located intheBasque Country hasdeveloped anon-line training platform,which isalso integratedwith acourse designing tool. The
applications are based onweb technologies able tobe implemented either inacompany' s intranet oraweb server tomake thecontents accessibl e
fromtheoutside. They are looking foralicence, joint venture oracompany that has thecontent,which they could sell tothird parties.
German SMEhasdeveloped PeriAssistant , reliable handwriting &symbol recognition &signature verification s ftware. Current applicationsrun
on standar PCs under MSWindows. The software includes PC-based tools for application developmen t &user interfacedesign. Itrequires minimu
system resources & caneasily beported toWin CE-based systems or thin mobile clients. Thecompany looks for licence agreement s and project
partnership nmCommerce , S curity, Human-Machin e interfacemarkets.
A Belgian company hasdeveloped anelectronic bill presentmen t a d payment application , which uses the Internet to present sales invoices to
residentia l and corporate customers , facilitates he payment process and offers e-care (an extension f customer relationshi p management
functions. Companies " immediate benefit rom using this solution isadramatic reduction ftraditiona l billing costandareduced time to deliver
bills totheir customers .Joint venture agreement is sought.
ASwedish SME hasdeveloped arugged PC forvehicle applications which combines the featuresofastandard PC with special functions useful in vehicle
applications . Advanced vehicle control and supervision systems, e.g.video monitoring of thesurrounding areaand real timeGPS position display, canbe
realisedwith compact and spacesavingequipment o thevehicle. Partnersforcommercia l exploitation arepreferred, inparticular inGermany andUK.
A small Lithuania company hasdeveloped alibrary ofJava classe that enable quick andeasy developmen t ofdatabase-drive n W bsolutions.The
framework ensures rapid developmen t and standar approach tothewhole application . Itcan be usedtocreate anyWeb-based Internet or Intranet
applications : content,document , knowledge , workflow managemen t systems.The company is looking for partnersworking inthe ITsolutions sector
and interested inutilising the softwareand programming skills.
A small Slovak software company isofferingaproduct forworkflow managemen t anddocument managemen t based onXML(extended modelling
language) . They use Java technology (EJB(Enterprise Java beans),JMS (JavMessagin Services) , JMX (JavManagemen t Extensions) , etc.) and
e front-end application . Interestedpartners are sought toco-operate tthe level ofequipment implementation .
An Irish award-winnin g f lm production/fil
m consultancy company isoffering software technology that can perform real-time editing for pre­
recorded/live video streams &still images specificall y designed for dance clubs. Radically reduced interface omplexit y allows aVJ (video DJ) to
interact directly with aDJ& mixpre-recorded with live footage from theaudience without thetraditiona l timelines, sliders or input boxes.The
technology isavailable through license or joint venture.
A French research laborator y specialized in spatial domain has developed DART, a model which simulates 3-D radiative transfer in the
"Earth/Atmosphere " systm simultaneousl
y inseveral wavelengths , from thevisible tothethermal infrared domain. Landscapes tobestudiedare
natural nd/or urban with/withou t topography and atmosphere .The Laboratory looks for licensees andpartners fordeveloping applications within
several domains like image simulation , sensors and remotesensing.
SiGeAC isaWeb-oriented g ographica l nformation system developed byaSouthern Italy research entre, containing databases , scientific and
technical know-how aimed tosupport national nd local authorities n their actions towards coastal management . Research institutes and private
companies arebeing sought fortransferring advanced tools for themodelling ofcoastal dynamics and DSS, andthe implementatio n of advanced
Web-oriented t chnologies for theexchange ofgeographica l d ta.
A company in Northern Ireland hasdeveloped newsoftware technology and techniques toallow unprecedente d portraya l of products in a fully
interactive3Denvironment . They areseekingpartners inMarketing,Designand Softwarecompanies tofurther develop and exploitthi s new technology .
AScottishcompany offersanadvanced developmen t and deploymen t platformcalledAXIOM. Itprovides astandards-based , highly distributed ,service-
orientedarchitecture . AXIOMactsasacommon interfacebetweendifferentdata inputs andcreatesoutputs oarangeofpresentationf rmats including
Web, DiTVand mobile technologies .Thecompany seeksdevelopmen t partners for technical ollaboration andbusiness partnersfor licensing.
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